Bachelorarbeit, 2020
45 Seiten, Note: 1,0
This thesis aims to investigate the scientific progress regarding the etiology of beriberi, a disease prevalent in tropical zones at the turn of the 20th century, using Thomas S. Kuhn's framework of paradigms and scientific revolutions. The research analyzes the transition from a paradigm that attributed disease causation to external factors, such as germs or toxins, to a new paradigm that recognized internal factors, specifically vitamin deficiencies, as the primary cause of beriberi.
The first chapter introduces the historical context of beriberi and its perplexing etiology, attributing the disease to various factors like infection, food deficiency, and atmospheric conditions. It then lays the groundwork for the thesis by introducing Kuhn's concept of paradigms and scientific revolutions, highlighting the importance of anomaly recognition and paradigm shift in scientific progress.
The second chapter delves into a discourse analysis of the scientific progress regarding beriberi from 1900 to 1920. This analysis identifies five "observational shifts" marked by methodological changes in investigations, leading to a gradual shift from the initial paradigm of external factors to a new understanding of vitamin deficiency as the primary cause. The chapter meticulously details each observational shift, tracing the evolution of theories, factors, and terminology within the scientific discourse, particularly focusing on the influence of rice and its different forms, the concept of susceptibility, and the gradual identification and understanding of vitamins.
The third chapter builds upon the historical analysis by proposing a model to describe the structure of the paradigm shift, reconciling the processes of cumulation and discontinuity in scientific progress. The chapter examines how these processes interact within a phase of crisis, leading to the emergence of a new paradigm. It then uses the historical data from the discourse analysis to validate the proposed iterative model, demonstrating how the five observational shifts illustrate the paralleling of cumulative and discontinuous processes in the transition from one paradigm to another.
The key focus topics of this thesis include scientific progress, paradigm shift, beriberi, vitamin deficiency, scientific discourse analysis, Thomas Kuhn, observational shifts, cumulation, discontinuity, iterative progression, and epistemic knowledge.
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