Masterarbeit, 2019
114 Seiten, Note: A
This dissertation examines the rise of professional staff in Chile's leading public universities, aiming to understand the drivers behind this phenomenon. The study investigates the role of university models in explaining these transformations, particularly the co-existence of entrepreneurial and Latin American university models.
The dissertation begins by establishing the purpose, rationale, and research questions of the study, outlining its scope and structure. Chapter 2 delves into the literature review, providing an analytical framework for understanding the rise of the professional staff through the lens of university models. The chapter explores the entrepreneurial university model and the legacies of the Latin American university model, considering the shifting meaning of the public university and the challenges of conceptualising co-existing models. It also investigates intra-organisational dynamics and actors, analyzing the changing nature of work in universities, the impact of managerialism and collegiality, and the rise of the professional staff alongside changes in the academic profession. Chapter 3 outlines the research design, data, and methods employed in the study, detailing the selection of study cases, primary data collection through interviews and official documentation, and the recruitment of participants from different functional areas. The chapter also discusses the interview structure, steps of analysis, and limitations of the study. Chapter 4 frames the Chilean case by highlighting the specific features and reforms in the Chilean higher education system, including coordination, autonomy, funding structure, and governmental policies such as the MECESUP programme and higher education reforms.
The study focuses on key concepts such as university models, entrepreneurial transformation, Latin American university model, professional staff, intra-organisational dynamics, higher education reform, and the Chilean case. The research examines the co-existence of these models, the changing nature of work in universities, and the interplay between internal and external factors influencing the rise of the professional staff.
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