Masterarbeit, 2021
53 Seiten, Note: 99/110
This thesis examines the application of the truncated M-fractional derivative to obtain solitary wave solutions for both the fractional generalized Duffing model and the fractional diffusion reaction model. The work further explores specific cases of the fractional generalized Duffing model, including the fractional Landau-Ginzburg-Higgs equation, the classical fractional Klein-Gordon equation, the Phi-4 equation, the Sine-Gordon equation, and the Duffing equation. The obtained results offer potential insights into these models and their behavior.
This research focuses on the application of the truncated M-fractional derivative to obtain solitary wave solutions for fractional differential equations, particularly the generalized Duffing model and the diffusion reaction model. Key terms include fractional differential equations, solitary wave solutions, truncated M-fractional derivative, the generalized Duffing model, the Landau-Ginzburg-Higgs equation, the classical fractional Klein-Gordon equation, the Phi-4 equation, the Sine-Gordon equation, the Duffing equation, and the diffusion reaction model.
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