Diplomarbeit, 2007
107 Seiten, Note: 2,2
The introduction outlines the intention of the work, which is to examine the history of Anheuser-Busch, its development, its corporate image, and its stock performance. The first chapter discusses the company's origins and its founders, along with its early innovations such as mechanical refrigeration, pasteurization, and bottling. Chapter two delves into the company's growth during the late 19th and early 20th centuries, exploring challenges such as the temperance movement, World War I, and prohibition.
Chapter three analyzes the company's post-prohibition era, highlighting the development of new beer business models, the introduction of the beer can, and the company's responses to evolving consumer tastes. This chapter also examines Anheuser-Busch's global expansion, its diverse brand portfolio, and its involvement in various industries such as theme park management and aluminum can manufacturing. Finally, the chapter explores the company's strategic overview, including its pricing and quality policies, marketing strategies, and mergers and acquisitions.
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