Bachelorarbeit, 2018
40 Seiten, Note: 2.5
This dissertation investigates the cis-regulatory network underlying the Prdm15 gene during brain development, aiming to identify brain-specific enhancers for this gene. The study utilizes the VISTA enhancer browser and ENCODE data to identify and characterize these enhancers.
Chapter One provides an introduction to the research topic, highlighting the importance of understanding the regulatory mechanisms governing gene expression in brain development. Chapter Two delves into the existing literature, reviewing key concepts such as the Prdm gene family, cis-regulatory elements, enhancer function, chromatin modifications, and methods for identifying enhancers. The chapter discusses the significance of understanding enhancer function in both normal development and disease contexts.
The key themes and concepts explored in this dissertation include cis-regulatory elements, enhancers, Prdm15, brain development, chromatin modifications, transcription factors, and gene regulation. The study specifically focuses on identifying brain-specific enhancers for the Prdm15 gene, contributing to our understanding of the intricate regulatory networks that govern gene expression during this crucial developmental process.
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