Bachelorarbeit, 2021
36 Seiten, Note: 1,0
This thesis aims to present a thorough, comprehensive analysis of Jordan Peele's Get Out, investigating how the Black Other is marginalized within the movie and how this reflects systems of oppression in American society. Additionally, it explores how the film's narrative structure reveals the white liberal Other as the monster and catalyst of African American oppression. The thesis argues that Get Out, through the American Gothic mode, inverts the Othering process of African Americans to produce a counternarrative that exposes the covert, oppressive nature of liberal racism that persists in an allegedly post-racial society.
The first chapter delves into the historical relationship between American Gothic and race, illustrating how the genre has provided a platform for the cultural negotiation of the non-white Other and anxieties surrounding it. The chapter explores the evolution of American Gothic, highlighting its versatility and inclusivity as a genre that has been used to tell stories diverging from dominant narratives.
The second chapter focuses on the gothic portrayal of the non-white Other in Get Out, examining its historical and current implications. It explores how the film uses the gothic to critique post-racial discourse, demonstrating how racial anxieties are still embedded in American society.
The third chapter examines the film's reversal of the othered depiction of Black characters, presenting white characters as the Other. This chapter highlights the power dynamics between white privilege and Black oppression, emphasizing the threat that whiteness poses to the advancement of racial justice.
American Gothic, racial Other, liberal racism, post-racial society, Get Out, Black oppression, white privilege, cultural critique, interracial relationships, cultural negotiation, racial anxieties, systems of oppression.
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