Masterarbeit, 2021
137 Seiten, Note: 1,0
This thesis aims to analyze the relationship between public support for right-wing populist governments and their illiberal behavior during the Covid-19 pandemic. The research focuses on the Czech Republic and Poland as case studies, examining the impact of government actions on public opinion.
The thesis begins by introducing the research question and providing a theoretical background on public support for governing parties, right-wing populism, and illiberal democracy. The second chapter presents the argument and expectations for the study, focusing on the potential impact of right-wing populist government behavior during the pandemic.
Chapter three outlines the research design, including the use of qualitative case studies and process tracing, as well as the selection of cases and materials. Chapter four explores the illiberal behavior and public support in the Czech Republic and Poland before the Covid-19 pandemic.
Chapter five describes the general patterns and state measures implemented in the Czech Republic and Poland during the pandemic. Chapter six examines the illiberal behavior of both governments and the subsequent changes in public support, analyzing the potential causal relations.
Chapter seven presents the results of the study and discusses alternative explanations for the findings. The limitations of the research are also explored in this chapter.
The main keywords and focus topics of this thesis include right-wing populism, illiberal democracy, public support, Covid-19 pandemic, authoritarian leadership, corruption, discriminatory measures, case studies, Czech Republic, Poland, process tracing.
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