Magisterarbeit, 2022
98 Seiten, Note: 1
This thesis examines the factors contributing to recidivism among inmates at the Hawassa Correctional Center in southern Ethiopia. It aims to understand the complex interplay of individual, institutional, and socio-economic factors that influence the likelihood of re-offending after release. The study uses qualitative research methods to gather insights from inmates and correctional staff.
Chapter One provides a detailed introduction to the research, outlining the background, problem statement, objectives, significance, scope, limitations, and organization of the study. Chapter Two delves into the relevant literature, exploring key concepts such as correctional institutions, prisons, and recidivism. It also presents empirical findings on the factors influencing recidivism, focusing on individual, institutional, and socio-economic levels. The chapter concludes with a discussion of recidivism, legal frameworks, and prison conditions in Ethiopia, highlighting the specific context of the study.
Recidivism, Correctional Institution, Prison Inmates, Hawassa Correctional Center, Ethiopia, Individual Factors, Institutional Factors, Socio-economic Factors, Legal Frameworks, Prison Conditions.
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