Bachelorarbeit, 2019
63 Seiten
This work examines the growing shortage of skilled workers in the nursing profession in Germany. It analyzes the causes of this shortage, including demographic change, the lack of junior staff, and the stress factors inherent in the nursing profession. The text also investigates previous coping strategies, such as importing foreign nurses and academicizing nursing training. It then explores the potential of robotics as a solution to the nursing shortage, examining the development and capabilities of care robots and their potential integration into direct patient care.
The first chapter introduces the issue of the nursing shortage in Germany, highlighting its political and societal significance. Chapter 2 provides a detailed account of the development and current status of the nursing emergency, including historical background, present-day challenges, and projections for the future. Chapter 3 delves into the causes of the nursing shortage, focusing on demographic change, the shortage of junior staff, and the inherent stress factors of the profession.
Chapter 4 analyzes traditional coping strategies, including the import of foreign nurses and the academisation of nursing training. Chapter 5 introduces robotics as a potential solution to the nursing shortage, defining key terms such as service robots and care robots, and exploring the historical development of this technology. Chapter 6 presents the different types of robots, particularly service robots and care robots, and examines the current state of development in nursing robotics.
Chapter 7 explores the challenges of integrating robots into the nursing profession, focusing on technical, organizational, psychological, ethical, and economic considerations.
The key terms and focus topics of this work include the nursing shortage in Germany, demographic change, stress factors in nursing, coping strategies for the nursing shortage, nursing robotics, service robots, care robots, Human-Robotics Interaction (MRI), and the challenges of implementing nursing robotics.
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