Bachelorarbeit, 2016
51 Seiten, Note: 2,0
This paper explores the theoretical possibility of abolishing cash and its potential impact on the global economy and finance. The author examines the arguments for and against abolishing cash, focusing on the potential benefits, such as reducing organized crime and increasing central bank control, as well as the associated risks, such as increased vulnerability to digital security threats and limitations on individual freedom. The study also analyzes the potential for alternative payment systems to replace cash, including mobile payment and virtual currencies.
The first chapter introduces the concept of abolishing cash, outlining the potential objectives and challenges involved. Chapter 2 delves into the fundamentals of cash, exploring its origins, definition, functions, and advantages and disadvantages. Chapter 3 examines current global trends in cash usage, particularly focusing on developments in the European Union and international contexts. Chapter 4 analyzes the potential opportunities and goals of abolishing cash, exploring both the officially stated reasons and possible unofficial motives. Chapter 5 outlines the requirements that would need to be met to enable the abolition of cash, while Chapter 6 discusses potential risks and side effects associated with a cashless society. Chapter 7 presents alternative payment systems to cash, such as mobile payment and virtual currencies, exploring their potential to replace traditional cash transactions. The paper concludes with a discussion of the future role of cash in the global economy.
This paper explores the concept of abolishing cash, examining the potential impact on economic trade and finance. Key themes include the benefits and risks associated with a cashless society, the role of alternative payment systems, and the future of cash in a digital age. The work delves into concepts such as organized crime, tax evasion, negative interest rates, digital security, and the implications for individual freedom in a cashless society.
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