Akademische Arbeit, 2010
50 Seiten, Note: B
This research aims to identify and analyze the factors influencing women's participation in economic activities in Uganda, taking into account both positive and negative influences.
The first chapter introduces the research topic, outlining the study's background, statement of the problem, objectives, hypotheses, scope, significance, and conceptual framework. Chapter two delves into a literature review, examining existing research on women's participation in economic activities, the status of women in Uganda, and the factors influencing their involvement in the economy. Chapter three discusses the research methodology, including the research design, sampling techniques, data collection methods, and data analysis procedures. Chapter four presents and analyzes the findings, exploring the relationships between various factors and women's participation in economic activities. The chapter also includes a discussion on the implications of these findings for policy and practice.
The key terms and concepts explored in this research include women's economic participation, factors influencing women's participation, economic development, gender equality, social and cultural barriers, government initiatives, and women's empowerment. The study utilizes a range of research methods to analyze the interplay of these factors in shaping women's economic opportunities in Uganda.
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