Masterarbeit, 2022
43 Seiten, Note: 7,5
This paper explores the impact of social media on peace journalism (PJ) research. It aims to examine how the changing media landscape influences the definition, exploration, and practical implementation of PJ. By utilizing a systematic literature review, the paper identifies key research gaps and highlights the urgent need for further investigation to maintain the relevance and effectiveness of PJ in the digital age.
This work focuses on the intersection of peace journalism (PJ) and social media, exploring the influence of this new media landscape on the field of conflict reporting. Key themes include the impact of social media on PJ's definition, implementation, and research, highlighting both potential benefits and limitations. The study also emphasizes the urgent need for further research to address the evolving dynamics between PJ and social media, ensuring its relevance and effectiveness in promoting peacebuilding and conflict resolution in the digital age.
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