Masterarbeit, 2021
188 Seiten, Note: 1,0
This thesis examines the future of mobile payment systems in Germany, specifically analyzing reasons for adoption or refusal. The research addresses the question of whether mobile payment methods will replace physical cards in Germany or if specific factors will prevent full adoption.
Chapter two provides a theoretical foundation by exploring the historical evolution of payment methods, highlighting the gradual transition to new forms driven by perceived advantages. It then delves into the technologies and processes underlying mobile payment systems, including a comparative analysis of adoption rates in Germany, China, India, and the United States. Finally, the chapter examines the security and safety aspects of mobile payments.
Chapter three analyzes factors influencing the successful implementation of mobile payment systems in Germany. It examines the product itself through a SWOT analysis, the German market through PESTEL and competitor analyses, and the German customer through Hofstede’s six dimensions of culture model.
Chapter four explores scientific approaches to understanding the adoption of mobile payment in Germany. It categorizes mobile payments as sustaining innovations and analyzes adoption rates in Germany using diffusion of innovation theory and the UTAUT model. Finally, it utilizes the pace of substitution model to evaluate the broader ecosystem and the potential transition from physical payment cards to mobile payment systems.
The primary keywords and focus topics of this thesis are mobile payment systems, adoption, Germany, innovation, disruptive innovation, sustaining innovation, diffusion of innovation, UTAUT model, pace of substitution, security, and cultural factors.
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