Doktorarbeit / Dissertation, 2019
236 Seiten, Note: 2
This research aims to investigate the relationship between micro enterprises and poverty alleviation in urban local bodies. The study examines the financial performance of micro enterprises, identifies factors influencing their success, and analyzes the reasons for business failure.
The book commences with an introduction outlining the research problem, research questions, and the objectives of the study. It then delves into the profile of urban local bodies, providing context for the research. The subsequent chapter reviews existing literature on micro enterprises and poverty alleviation.
Chapter IV outlines the research methodology, including the sampling design, data collection methods, and data analysis techniques. Chapter V presents the analysis and interpretation of data related to loan repayment, business expansion, and the impact of business transaction models on micro enterprise success.
Chapter VI explores the empirical analysis of financial performance of micro enterprises, examining factors influencing their success, such as demographic and industrial factors. Chapter VII delves into reasons for business failure and the expectations of micro entrepreneurs regarding government support.
Micro enterprises, poverty alleviation, financial performance, business success, business failure, government support, urban local bodies, business transaction models, demographic factors, industrial factors.
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