Masterarbeit, 2022
66 Seiten, Note: 1,5
This thesis aims to analyze the feasibility of Carbon Contracts for Difference (CCfDs) as a policy instrument to incentivize investments in climate-friendly technologies within energy-intensive industries. The research examines how CCfDs compare to other policy instruments and explores key design elements needed for effective implementation. This study aims to guide policy recommendations for the swift introduction of CCfDs, taking into account the identified design elements.
The primary focus of this thesis lies in the evaluation of Carbon Contracts for Difference (CCfDs) as a policy instrument for incentivizing climate-friendly technologies in energy-intensive industries. Key themes and concepts explored in this work include decarbonization, energy transition, climate-friendly technologies, feasibility analysis, policy instruments, CBAM, climate contributions, climate clubs, and the assessment of political, diplomatic, sustainability, administrative, legal, and technical aspects of these instruments.
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