Bachelorarbeit, 2020
43 Seiten
This bachelor thesis examines the negotiation of gender roles during the American Civil War. The study focuses on the experiences of women in the South and explores how they navigated societal expectations and the challenges of war. The main objective is to analyze Belle Boyd's life and actions through her memoir, "Belle Boyd in Camp and Prison," to understand how she used traditional gender roles to her advantage, ultimately deconstructing them for her own and the South's benefit.
This bachelor thesis focuses on gender roles, the American Civil War, women's history, female spies, Southern culture, Belle Boyd, and the negotiation of social expectations during a time of conflict. The primary lens for this analysis is Belle Boyd's memoir, "Belle Boyd in Camp and Prison," which offers unique insight into the experiences of a woman who challenged gender norms and contributed to the Confederacy's war effort. This work explores the interplay between personal agency and societal constraints, highlighting the complexities of women's lives during a turbulent historical period.
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