Bachelorarbeit, 2023
87 Seiten, Note: 1.6
This bachelor thesis examines the influence of artificial intelligence (AI) on corporate leadership. It investigates the evolving relationship between AI and leadership, exploring both the opportunities and challenges posed by this technological shift. The research aims to understand how AI is impacting leadership styles, decision-making processes, and the overall organizational landscape.
The introduction outlines the research question, goals, and methodology of the study. It also provides a brief overview of the relevant concepts and theoretical frameworks. Chapter 2 delves into the theoretical framework and literature review, exploring both the evolution of leadership and management, and the development of artificial intelligence. It examines the current state of AI in corporations and the potential impact of AI on leadership practices. Chapter 3 focuses on the empirical research, which involves conducting expert interviews with individuals from various multinational companies. The chapter outlines the interview guidelines, selection of experts, and the method of analysis employed. It presents the key findings from the interviews and discusses their implications for the study. Chapter 4 delves into the discussion and analysis of the findings from both the literature review and the expert interviews. It draws connections between the theoretical concepts and the practical insights gathered through the empirical research, highlighting the complexities and nuances of AI's influence on corporate leadership.
The core keywords of this thesis are Artificial Intelligence, Corporate Leadership, Decision-Making, Management, AI Integration, Technology Impact, and Ethics.
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