Bachelorarbeit, 2021
49 Seiten, Note: 1,0
This thesis examines the intricate relationship between memory and identity in Kazuo Ishiguro’s novels The Remains of the Day and When We Were Orphans. By drawing upon theoretical frameworks from cognitive psychology and literary studies, the paper analyzes how memory shapes and is shaped by the characters' self-perceptions and sense of self.
The first chapter introduces the central theme of memory and identity in Kazuo Ishiguro’s work. It explores how memory, as a fragile and sometimes unreliable force, shapes our understanding of self and the world around us. Chapter 2 delves into the theoretical framework, drawing on cognitive psychology to define “autobiographical memory” and its role in constructing personal identity. Chapter 3 examines the interplay between memory and identity in The Remains of the Day. It explores how the protagonist, Stevens, grapples with the ambivalent forces of memory, leading to both self-deception and self-reflection. The chapter analyzes how Stevens’s idealized memories of the past ultimately conflict with his present reality. Chapter 4 focuses on When We Were Orphans, analyzing how the protagonist, Christopher Banks, attempts to reconstruct his past through a fragmented and traumatic memory. It investigates how the unreliability of his memory ultimately undermines his idealized childhood and his pursuit of truth.
The key terms and concepts explored in this thesis include memory, identity, autobiographical memory, self-deception, self-reflection, nostalgia, idealism, trauma, liminal spaces, cultural hybridity, and the detective novel.
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