Bachelorarbeit, 2020
36 Seiten, Note: 2,3
The main objective of this thesis is to examine the expression of antisemitism in hip-hop music, from its early years to the present. The thesis investigates the use of antisemitic stereotypes by hip-hop artists and cultural movements, exploring the interplay between the origins of hip-hop in African-American communities, the history of antisemitism, and the influence of the Nation of Islam.
The first chapter introduces the research question and hypothesis, focusing on the prevalence of antisemitism in hip-hop music, particularly in comparison to the German music scene. It outlines the historical context of the research and the framework for analyzing antisemitic stereotypes.
The second chapter delves into the cultural and musical background of hip-hop, tracing its emergence from the Black Power and Black Arts movements. It explores the socioeconomic conditions in the Bronx that contributed to the rise of hip-hop as a form of expression and resistance. This chapter also examines the historical context of the Black Power movement and its influence on the development of hip-hop.
The third chapter provides a brief history of antisemitism and examines common antisemitic stereotypes. This chapter serves as a foundation for understanding the antisemitic themes that emerge in the following chapters, particularly those related to the Nation of Islam and the lyrics of various hip-hop artists.
The fourth chapter explores the African-American and Jewish relationship, examining the history of collaboration and conflict. It focuses on the Nation of Islam, its leaders, and the spread of antisemitic rhetoric within the organization. The chapter also analyzes the impact of these views on cultural movements and hip-hop music.
The fifth chapter investigates the presence of antisemitism within American hip-hop music. It analyzes the lyrics and public statements of prominent artists, including Public Enemy, Ice Cube, Jay-Z, 21 Savage, Snoop Dogg, and Drake. This chapter examines the various ways in which antisemitic stereotypes are used and challenges the evolution of hip-hop culture and its relationship to Jewish identity.
The primary keywords and focus topics of this thesis include: antisemitism, hip-hop, African-American culture, Nation of Islam, Louis Farrakhan, Public Enemy, Ice Cube, Jay-Z, 21 Savage, Snoop Dogg, Drake, stereotypes, cultural movements, and Jewish identity. The thesis explores the interplay of these themes, investigating the historical, social, and musical factors that contribute to the expression of antisemitic views in hip-hop music.
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