Bachelorarbeit, 2021
47 Seiten, Note: 1,0
Which challenges does the mere concept of pursuing playing chess as a woman involve? Can chess be seen as a metaphor the series' creators wish to convey? Subsequently, the perspective of the creators of the series will be taken into account, specifically focusing on the portrayal of feminine characters in "The Queen's Gambit".
"The Queen's Gambit" is a 2020 American Netflix miniseries based on the 1983 novel by Walter Tevis. The story follows the life of Beth, a smart girl who seems to have ambitions that were too high for a girl in the 1950's. Her story depicts a constant battle on her beloved chess field, but also on the grounds of a conservative society that does not make it easy for her to follow her passion.
Beth has to overcome Christian and social ideals of femininity that were prevalent at the time, both images of femininity including similar characteristics that deviate from Beth’s interests in the masculine activity of playing chess and that are discouraging women to go an individual path that diverges from an image of a supporting (Christian) housewife whose only goal is to care for their family and taking care of domestic duties.
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