Masterarbeit, 2019
100 Seiten
The aim of this study was to assess challenges and current practices in implementation of coaching manuals in selected Addis Ababa city, Ethiopia youth handball coaching program. The study was employed a descriptive survey research method. Ten sample youth projects were selected, from twenty-four youth handball projects using stratified and purposive sampling technique.
Thus, the samples of this study were 50 players, 10 coaches and 32 sport administrative officials. The data was collected through questionnaire and observation checklist and thus, analyzed using both quantitative and qualitative methods by describing statements and frequency counts and percentages.
The specific objectives of this study were to describe the current practices in implementation of handball coaching manuals, to identify the challenges that hindered the effective implementation of handball coaching manuals and to find out how quality of coaches can affect the implementation of handball coaching manuals. It also verifies how management and organization of the training program can affect the implementation of handball coaching manuals.
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