Bachelorarbeit, 2005
38 Seiten, Note: A
This thesis analyzes the Barbie doll as a cultural object and its significance in shaping female identity in the 1950s. It investigates the doll's resonance with mothers and daughters in the context of the emerging cult of domesticity and explores the tensions surrounding traditional gender roles and emerging notions of female independence. The thesis seeks to understand the impact of the Barbie doll on female self-perception and the complex interplay of societal expectations, cultural values, and the role of consumerism in shaping feminine ideals.
This study focuses on the Barbie doll, the cultural object, the cult of domesticity, female identity, femininity, self-perception, consumerism, and the impact of societal norms on women in the 1950s. It explores the role of cultural objects in shaping social expectations and analyzes the complex interplay between societal pressures and individual agency.
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