Masterarbeit, 2022
59 Seiten, Note: 3.78
This research thesis aims to investigate the impact of human capital development on economic growth in Ethiopia. The study employs a Vector Autoregressive (VAR) approach to analyze the relationship between key variables like education, health, and economic growth.
Chapter One provides an introduction to the research, outlining the background, problem statement, objectives, research questions, significance, scope, limitations, and organization of the study. It also defines key terms and operational definitions.
Chapter Two delves into a review of relevant literature, covering both theoretical and empirical aspects. It examines human capital theory, endogenous growth theory, the relationship between education and economic growth, the connection between health and economic growth, rationale investments in education and health, and methodologies for measuring human capital development.
Chapter Three provides an overview of health and education policies in Ethiopia. It analyzes the country's health policy, education policy, and the broader context of human capital development in Ethiopia.
Chapter Four details the research methodology, outlining the research approach, design, data sources, model specification, variable descriptions, and methods of data analysis. The chapter discusses econometric analysis, including the Augmented Dicky-Fuller test, cointegration, and the Vector Error Correction Mechanism.
The main keywords and focus topics of this research thesis include human capital development, economic growth, Ethiopia, Vector Autoregressive (VAR) approach, education, health, public spending, econometrics, cointegration, and policy implications.
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