Bachelorarbeit, 2023
91 Seiten, Note: 16/20
This monograph aims to investigate the influence of English language teaching on the cultural identity of high school students in Morocco. The study examines the complex interplay of language, culture, and education in a globalized context, exploring the role of English as a language of globalization.
The monograph begins with a comprehensive literature review, delving into key concepts like cultural identity, English language teaching in Morocco, globalization's impact on education and culture, and the intricate relationship between language and cultural identity. The review also explores strategies for integrating culture and language teaching, including Content-Based Instruction (CBI), the Intercultural Approach, Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT), cultural projects, and study abroad programs.
The methodology chapter outlines the research design, instruments, participants, sampling methods, ethical considerations, and data analysis techniques employed in the study. The study utilizes a mixed-methods approach, including a questionnaire for students and interviews with teachers from Le Lycée Mohammed VI d'Excellence in Morocco.
The key focus areas of this monograph include English language teaching, lingua franca, globalization, cultural identity, and Morocco. The study explores the influence of English language teaching on the cultural identity of high school students, considering the complex linguistic landscape in Morocco and the broader impact of globalization on education and culture.
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