Masterarbeit, 2022
148 Seiten
The study was carried to; assess the concept of Church discipline and analyze how it is perceived; establish reasons why Church discipline is not handled well; evaluate how Church discipline leads to spiritual and numerical growth and develop the guidelines of administering Church discipline in Pentecostal Church. Descriptive design, qualitative and quantitative methods were employed and data collected using questionnaires and interviews were analyzed using Statistical Package for the Social Scientists (SPSS) and Nvivo 11 respectively.
Church discipline has been abused, opposed and even neglected among the Pentecostal Churches and this necessitated the study that sought to investigate the effects of Church discipline on Spiritual and numerical growth of Pentecostal Church in Bukasakya Sub-county, Industrial City Division, Mbale City.
The analysis showed a strong correlation between Church discipline and the growth of the Church as it was seen from data collection through Bible sources, books, magazines, articles, websites and journals as it was used in discussing the topic. Therefore it was concluded that Church discipline promotes the growth of the Church. The researcher recommended that pastors and Church leaders be taught the meaning, importance and purpose of Church discipline and be guided to rightly carry out Church discipline.
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