Masterarbeit, 2023
103 Seiten, Note: 2.0
Psychologie - Klinische Psychologie, Psychopathologie, Prävention
The objective of this research is to analyze the Skywalker family saga through the lens of systemic family therapy, specifically focusing on the transmission of transgenerational trauma across three generations. The study aims to explore how trauma manifests in the family dynamics and how resilience plays a role in overcoming these challenges.
Introduction: This chapter introduces the concept of transgenerational trauma and its potential manifestation in the Skywalker family saga. It highlights the scarcity of research on this topic within the Star Wars universe and emphasizes the potential of film analysis in understanding psychological phenomena. The chapter establishes the importance of examining the trauma patterns within the Skywalker family and the potential for resilience in overcoming these traumas. The author quotes Kalsched (1996) and de Mendelssohn (2008) to support the idea of trauma's transmission across generations and its unconscious manifestation in subsequent generations. The chapter sets the stage for a systemic family therapy approach to understanding the Skywalker family's complex dynamics.
Research Rationale: This chapter details the lack of existing research on transgenerational trauma within the context of the Star Wars saga, establishing the study’s novelty and significance. It sets the stage for the in-depth analysis that will be conducted in subsequent chapters by identifying the existing gap in research on the topic.
The Skywalker Family system explored through a systemic family therapy lens: This chapter provides a framework for understanding the Skywalker family through the lens of systemic family therapy. It lays the foundation for analyzing the family’s interactions and dynamics using the principles of systemic family therapy. This framework will guide the analysis of trauma transmission and resilience within the family.
Exploring the first generation: This chapter delves into the life of Anakin Skywalker, focusing on key traumatic events and their impact on his personality and behavior. It explores how Anakin's trauma shaped his actions and contributed to the larger family dynamics. The chapter analyzes Anakin’s character development through the lens of the identified traumatic events, providing detailed insights into the roots of his later struggles and transformation into Darth Vader.
Exploring the second generation: This chapter shifts the focus to Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia Organa, exploring how their parents’ trauma affected them and how they, in turn, navigated their own challenges. It investigates how their upbringing and exposure to their father's trauma affected their psychological well-being and choices.
Third generation explored: This chapter analyzes Ben Solo's journey, exploring the influence of transgenerational trauma and the family dynamics on his development. It examines how the legacy of trauma impacts Ben Solo's choices and his eventual transformation. This chapter builds upon the preceding chapters, demonstrating the continuity of trauma across three generations.
Transgenerational trauma, systemic family therapy, Star Wars, Skywalker family, Anakin Skywalker, Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia Organa, Ben Solo, trauma, resilience, film analysis, epigenetics, attachment theory.
This research analyzes the Skywalker family saga from the Star Wars franchise through the lens of systemic family therapy. It focuses specifically on how transgenerational trauma is transmitted across three generations, impacting individual character development, family dynamics, and resilience.
The key themes include transgenerational trauma within the Skywalker family, the impact of trauma on individual character development, resilience and coping mechanisms within the family system, the role of family therapy in understanding the family dynamics, and the use of film analysis as a tool for understanding psychological concepts.
The study examines three generations: Anakin Skywalker (first generation), Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia Organa (second generation), and Ben Solo (third generation).
The analysis utilizes systemic family therapy as its primary theoretical framework to understand the family's interactions, dynamics, trauma transmission, and resilience.
The study uses character analysis to explore the impact of traumatic events on each character's personality, behavior, and choices. It examines key traumatic events for each character and connects them to their later actions and relationships within the family system.
The analysis identifies and explores multiple traumatic events for each generation, examining their long-term consequences and their influence on subsequent generations. Specific events are detailed for Anakin, Luke, Leia, and Ben Solo.
The study mentions epigenetics, suggesting its potential role in the transmission of trauma across generations, although the specific exploration of epigenetics within the family system is not detailed in the provided summary.
The study highlights the novelty of applying systemic family therapy and transgenerational trauma theory to the Star Wars saga, offering a unique perspective on the characters and their relationships. It contributes to the understanding of how trauma manifests and impacts families across generations.
The provided summary does not offer specific conclusions but indicates that the study aims to demonstrate how trauma is passed down through the Skywalker family and how resilience plays a role in their coping mechanisms and transformations. The full study would provide a more detailed analysis and conclusion.
Keywords include: Transgenerational trauma, systemic family therapy, Star Wars, Skywalker family, Anakin Skywalker, Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia Organa, Ben Solo, trauma, resilience, film analysis, epigenetics, attachment theory.
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