Masterarbeit, 2023
88 Seiten, Note: 1.3
This master thesis investigates how important a good user experience of the career site is to Generation Z when choosing a new employer, and which sub-areas of the user experience play a particularly important role. A user test in combination with a quantitative questionnaire was conducted in cooperation with the "Handwerkskammer OWL" in Bielefeld. The evaluation of the quantitative study shows that user experience plays an important role in the choice of employer, and that the sub-areas of accessibility and utility are of particular importance. Based on the results of this study, recommendations for action can be given for the career pages of craft enterprises.
The shortage of skilled workers in Germany is a widely discussed topic. Above all, craft businesses are desperately looking for new young people whom they can train and recruit for their company on a permanent basis. Since young potential employees primarily use the Internet to look for jobs, it is important for craft businesses to have a presence there in the form of a website. Jobseekers can use a company's career site to find out about vacancies and learn a lot of information about the company. The problem with many career pages of craft businesses is that they are not user-friendly, as they were programmed many years ago and have not been optimized since. This often leads to a poor user experience, as important information is no longer up-to-date and other relevant content may be difficult to find.
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