Bachelorarbeit, 2023
34 Seiten, Note: 1,7
This Bachelor's Thesis explores the connection between NFTs and the concept of the artist, analyzing whether NFT creators can be considered artists and how their approach compares to historical concepts of artistry. It aims to answer this question through case studies of two specific NFTs, considering the different artistic backgrounds of their creators and analyzing their auctioned works. The thesis investigates the role of NFT technology in shaping a new concept of the artist, examining both the opportunities and limitations presented by the technology for artists.
The thesis begins with an introduction to NFTs and blockchain technology, highlighting their significance in the art world and the emergence of the term "NFT art." Chapter 2 introduces the case studies of two specific NFTs, examining the artistic backgrounds of their creators and the context of their auctioned works. Chapter 3 explores the development of the concept of the artist from a historical perspective, analyzing key concepts relevant to the thesis's focus. Chapter 4 delves into a critical examination of NFTs, exploring their potential impact on the art market, the art ecosystem, and the concept of the artist, while also discussing the ecological impact of NFTs.
The key themes and topics of this thesis include non-fungible tokens (NFTs), blockchain technology, the concept of the artist, historical perspectives on art and technology, art market dynamics, decentralization vs. recentralization, and the ecological implications of NFTs.
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