Bachelorarbeit, 2008
47 Seiten, Note: 2,6
Didaktik für das Fach Englisch - Literaturgeschichte, Epochen
This paper aims to explore the historical context and social significance of "passing" as a phenomenon in Afro-American literature, examining its roots in American racial history, its cultural manifestations, and its representation in select novels.
The first chapter introduces the concept of "passing" in the context of Afro-American literature, outlining its historical and cultural origins. It discusses the significance of the Harlem Renaissance in promoting a more positive understanding of "passing" among African Americans and in examining the role of "passing" as a form of resistance against racial oppression.
The second chapter explores the establishment and evolution of the "color line" in American society, focusing on the role of miscegenation laws and the one-drop rule in perpetuating racial segregation. It analyzes how the "color line" impacted the lives of African Americans, including their identity formation and social experiences.
Key terms and concepts explored in this work include "passing," "color line," "race," "identity," "miscegenation," "segregation," "Jim Crow," "Harlem Renaissance," "African American literature," and "double consciousness."
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