Masterarbeit, 2023
309 Seiten, Note: 2,0
The purpose of the study is to reach an understanding of the concept of a capsule wardrobe and its practitioners by developing a comprehensive definition of the concept and enriching it with practical experiences. It aims to clarify particularities in the marketing of minimalistic clothing.
An extensive literature review combined with qualitative in-depth interviews with experienced fashion minimalists was utilized to characterize capsule wardrobes and their owners. The study provides an understanding of the concept of a capsule wardrobe which is relevant in the fashion industry. It identifies the building characteristics of the concept and its proponents. By developing an understanding of capsule wardrobes, it clarifies the specialties of marketing in minimalistic fashion and suggests approaches for fashion brands as well as environmental policymakers.
This study contributes to the trend of minimalism by providing perspectives from fashion minimalists on the topic of clothing consumption and by offering insights into marketing specialties for minimalistic fashion.
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