Doktorarbeit / Dissertation, 2021
238 Seiten, Note: Distinction (4.81)
This dissertation aims to investigate the determinants of financial inclusion in Sub-Saharan Africa. It examines various factors that contribute to or hinder access to financial services for individuals and businesses in the region. The research utilizes empirical data analysis to explore the relationships between these determinants and the level of financial inclusion.
Chapter 1 provides a comprehensive introduction to the study, outlining its background, problem statement, research questions, objectives, significance, scope, and limitations. It establishes the context for the research and highlights the importance of financial inclusion in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Chapter 2 presents a thorough review of the existing literature on financial inclusion, focusing on theoretical and conceptual frameworks, as well as empirical studies conducted in various contexts. This chapter critically analyzes previous research findings and identifies gaps in existing knowledge.
Chapter 3 outlines the research methodology employed in the study, including the research design, population and sampling techniques, data collection methods, and data analysis techniques. It provides a detailed explanation of the research process and ensures the methodological rigor of the study.
Chapter 4 presents and analyzes the data collected for the study, utilizing various statistical techniques to examine the relationships between determinants of financial inclusion and its level in Sub-Saharan Africa. The findings are discussed and interpreted within the context of existing literature and research questions.
Financial inclusion, Sub-Saharan Africa, financial institutions, government policies, technology, economic development, poverty, inequality, empirical analysis, determinants.
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