Masterarbeit, 2018
102 Seiten, Note: 1,0
This study provides valuable recommendations for brand managers and media planners for controlling brand related content in social networks, and for future researchers when exploring the effects of social interactions on brand equity elements.
Brand managers and researchers have limited understanding of overexposure and its impact on consumer’s perception of the brand. Particularly the segment of streetwear in fashion has not been assessed by research much, despite its commercial success and impact on the fashion market. This insightful book explores how excessive visibility and saturation in the market can adversely impact brand perception, customer loyalty, and overall brand equity. Drawing on comprehensive research and case studies, the author dissects the nuanced interplay between visibility, exclusivity, and authenticity in the realm of luxury streetwear.
Readers can expect to gain a deep understanding of the challenges faced by these brands in maintaining a delicate balance between accessibility and exclusivity, shedding light on the potential pitfalls of overexposure that can erode the unique allure of luxury streetwear labels.
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