Masterarbeit, 2023
81 Seiten, Note: 1,7
The study aims to explore the origins of gender differences in performance in competitive environments. It investigates the impact of feedback and the presence of a real opponent versus a threshold on performance outcomes, specifically focusing on how these factors influence men and women differently.
The introduction sets the stage for the study, outlining the research question and highlighting the relevance of the topic. The "Related Literature" chapter provides a comprehensive review of relevant theoretical frameworks and empirical findings on competition, gender differences in performance, feedback mechanisms, and the role of opponent type (real or threshold). This chapter forms the foundation for the study's hypotheses, which are presented in the subsequent chapter. The "Experimental Design and Procedure" chapter details the methodology used to test the hypotheses, including participant characteristics, experimental procedures, data collection methods, and the statistical analysis plan.
The key words and focus topics of the text include gender differences, competitive environments, performance, feedback, opponent type (real or threshold), experimental design, and data analysis. The study investigates the impact of feedback and opponent type on gender differences in performance, contributing to the understanding of this phenomenon and providing valuable insights for future research and applications.
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