Masterarbeit, 2017
90 Seiten, Note: 6
Statement of the Problem
Scope and Delimitation
Significance of the Study
Definition of Terms
Foreign Literature
Foreign Studies
Local Literature
Local Studies
Synthesis of the State-of-the-Art
Gap Bridged by the Study
Theoretical Framework
Conceptual Framework
Research Method
The Respondents
Data Gathering Procedure
Quantification of Variables
Statistical Treatment
I. Reading level of Grade VI Learners as Revealed by Phil- Iri
II. Teaching Strategies used by the Teachers in Teaching Reading
III. Reading Difficulties Encountered by Teachers
IV. Impact of Teaching Strategies on the Reading Level f the Pupils
This study entitled “ Improving Pupils Reading Level Through Varied Teaching Reading Strategies ” was conducted to determine what effective strategies can be used in teaching reading. The study also analyzed the impact of the strategies among the pupils of Gubat South District. Specifically, this study aimed to find answers to the following sub- problems:
1. What are the reading levels of Grade VI learners in Gubat South District as revealed in PHIL IRI?
2. What are the teaching strategies used by the teachers in Gubat South District in teaching reading?
3. What are the difficulties encountered by the teachers teaching reading in Gubat South District?
4. How do teaching strategies affect the reading level of pupils as assessed by the teachers?
5. What reading interventions maybe proposed to enhance the reading level of the slow learners in Gubat South District?
Several foreign and local literature and related studies about the reading level and teaching strategies were reviewed. Fundamental theories on reading and the use of teaching strategies were utilized. The Socio- cultural theory of Vygotsky, Taxonomy of learning of Bloom,Theory of Methodology of Garcia and Psycho linguistic Theory of Thompson scaffolded this study. From these theories the researcher had been guided in creating her theory , the Peruse Researcher’s theory.
The respondents of this study were the Grade VI pupils and the English Grade VI teachers of Gubat South District during the school year 2016-2017. There were 582 pupil- respondents and 19 teacher- respondents in this study.
The descriptive research method best fit in providing the data collected and interpreted from the respective respondents. The collected data were interpreted through the use of frequency count, weighted mean, sum of ranks and percentage statistical tools to arrive at valid and reliable conclusion.
Through the help of the statistical tools employed, the following salient findings were drawn:
1. The Grade VI pupils of Gubat South District have different reading level portrayed by the result of the PHIL- IRI. The result also exhibited that pupils reading levels were different in English and Filipino.In 582 respondents there were 227 pupils who belonged to frustration level in English while in Filipino there were 176 respondents who belonged in this level. In English, only 190 respondents were in instructional level while in Filipino, there were 218 respondents were in this level. There were 165 respondents who belonged to independent level in English while 184 respondents in Filipino belonged in this level.
2. It was found out that explicit instruction and four- pronged approach which both have a mean value of 4.05, think and share with 3.95, concept/ semantic web with 3.65 and phonic approach with 3.53 as its mean were the strategies often used by the teachers in teaching reading to Grade VI pupils while cartilla which has a numerical rating of 1. 63 and marungko approach with 2.21 were seldom used.
3. Based from the result, lack or limited time spent in reading by the pupils was the most serious problem encountered by teachers in teaching reading . Next in rank was lack of reading habits among pupils which was closely related to the first problem encountered by the teachers while non standard classroom was the least serious problem encountered.
4. It was found out that teaching strategies which are pupil- centered had a great impact on reading performance with a weighted mean of 4.67. Teaching techniques which were related to pupils’ experiences also helped in teaching reading easy with a mean value of 4.62. The result also showed that more reading materials available, would mean increased reading performance among pupils. Teachers strongly agreed that sound recognition is the foundation towards reading mastery. It had both a mean value of 4.53.
5. Implementation of differentiated instruction and the use of varied materials in teaching reading such as strategic intervention materials and reading sheets can address and help increase the reading level of pupils for better performance and later result to school achievements.
Based from the aforementioned findings, the following conclusions are drawn:
1. The reading level of Grade VI pupils of Gubat South District were varied; however there was a difference between the result on Phil Iri in English and Filipino. There were more respondents who belonged in frustration level in English than in Filipino.
2. There were different teaching strategies which can be used in teaching reading suited for intermediate grades. Moreover, there were common strategies often used such as explicit instruction, four- pronged approach, think and share, concept/semantic web and phonic approach.
3. The most serious problem encountered by teachers was the lack or limited time spend by pupils in reading closely related to lack of reading habits among pupils. Time was one of the key factors to develop reading habit which may result to improve reading level.
4. Suited teaching strategies employed by teachers can greatly affect the reading levels of pupils especially those teaching strategies which are pupil- centered and based from their experiences.
5. Differentiated instruction and use of varied materials in reading such as strategic intervention materials and reading sheets will be a great help to increase the reading level and ensure a meaningful teaching- learning outcome.
Based on the presented conclusions the following recommendations are presented:
1. Teachers teaching reading be encouraged to have full awareness of their pupils’ reading levels and create a conducive environment for reading in order to help those pupils in frustration level.
2. Continues education, professional growth and self- updating on new strategies to meet the needs of the learners be encouraged.
3. Awareness of the different reading level and serious problems that hinder the achievement to increase the reading level of the learners, to come up with a solution to improve pupils’ performance be the priority of the reading teachers.
4. Teachers teaching reading be encouraged to use suited reading strategies among pupils.
5. Appropriate and varied teaching/ reading materials parallel to pupils reading level be employed to provide a meaningful teaching- learning encounter.
6. Replication of this study be conducted in wider scope.
7. Interested researchers be encouraged to conduct researches on the following:
A. Effects of Teaching Strategies on the Reading Level of Pupils.
B. Pupils’ Attitude towards Reading: It’s Effect on the Reading Level of Learners
Reading is the mother of all skills. It is one of the most complex and valuable skills a person can acquire. The skill acquired in reading can promote the acquisition of language skills like listening, speaking and writing. Having a wide vocabulary through reading, the person can effectively apply them in writing.
Reading, as a learning aid is essential in all subject areas 1. It is the major pillar upon which the teaching/ learning process is built. The reading ability plays an important role in the teaching and learning success at all educational stages. This is supported by some of the government programs in Education such as EFA ( Education for All) ,ECARP ( Every Child A Reader Program) and students we have the K-12 curriculum. These programs hopefully be the avenues for children to have good education. As the constitution of the Republic of the Philippines, Article XIV Section 2 states that “ The state shall establish, maintain and support a complete, adequate and integrated system of education relevant to the needs of the people and the society”. 2 This is primarily the basis of the innovations and programs mentioned earlier in the educational system of the government.
Giving them the best opportunity for learning at their early age may lead them to be the best agent of transformation. The opportunity of learning at early age comes with these basic skills mentioned earlier speaking, listening, writing and reading.
Development of these basic skills is one of the key factors in attaining the ultimate goal of education. Reading, writing, listening and speaking are relatives from one another and cannot be separated. Experts have long considered literacy which include reading and writing as important contribution to the healthy development of individuals and societies.
Moreover, Reading is a process of decoding written symbols and a tool use to acquire knowledge by gathering and interpreting data. A good reader is phonemically aware, understand the alphabet principle, apply the skills in a rapid and fluent manner, and relate reading to his own experiences. 3 Difficulties in any of these areas can impede reading development. Two types of students with reading problems that school psychologists and educators are likely to encounter are students with IQ- reading achievement discrepancies and students with a combination of low ability and low reading achievement. 4 Students who have IQ- reading achievement discrepancies tend to have average to high average IQ and listening comprehension scores. On the other hand, low ability readers make up the largest number of poor readers. They tend to have lower than average IQ and have below grade level listening comprehension, word recognition and reading comprehension performance. Further, this may result to low performance of the school.
Problems in reading can affect performance across several academic content areas, occupational endeavors and other functional skills that are used in everyday life activities. Among the population of students with learning disabilities, an estimated 80% have reading disabilities. 5 Students with poor reading skills are more evident to teachers and parents due to the result found in the conducted PHIL IRI ( Philippine Informal Reading Inventory) nationwide incorporated across grade levels. Another evidence is the National Assessment of Educational Progress ( NEAP) reported that 40% of the fourth graders and 30% of the sixth graders were reading below grade level.
Many researchers believed that “ Reading is developmental, then it can be learned through practice just as a golf is learned”. 6 That is why many educators are very eager in helping every child attain the highest level of achievement possible during his schooling. Teachers often fall of it in relation to those children with low reading level. Contrary to common belief, pupils with low reading level is now increasing in number. The pupil with low reading level is one who cannot read at an average rate from the instructional resources, texts, workbooks and learning materials designed for the majority of students in the classroom. 7 Because his needs differ from those of the majority of students within the classroom. It is important to understand that these learners do not need special education. They simply do not do well in school or a particular subject. He has special problems for the classroom teacher which are not always easily meet. This student needs special attention flexible for learning to occur.
The challenge for the teachers is to create awareness towards this problem which can be the major step in dealing with this problem. It is essential that teachers understand that encouraging the child is of out most importance. 8 To keep this student actively engage in the learning process requires more than the usual variation in presentation methods, classroom climate and instructional materials. If these variation is not part of the teacher’s lesson, this pupil may well create their own variety in ways that disrupt the learning process. The teacher must be skillful enough to make these learners interested and motivated about whatever reading program designed for them. He may design and used specific strategy suited for his learners.
Teaching strategy is used as to methods and procedures utilized in teaching.This term in its original and literary sense, mean ʺ the art of the general ʺ. 9 It s used either in solving classroom problem and improving instructions. It also talks about teacher’s planning, implementing and evaluating instruction. It is used by the teachers to involve students in different activities to help them gain knowledge to help them learn.
Teaching strategy is a way to fulfill the goals of education which has a means and an end. This requires the calculation of different resources to be used in attaining immediate goals if ultimate ends are to be achieved. The role of a teacher is to bring learners to construct and make their own knowledge to have a well organized set of concepts. The teacher also aims to make clear concepts that are still not familiar and vague to them and to pave the way for them to overcome misconception . This will help the pupil gain knowledge and reading skills. It is important for teachers to understand the way slow learners learn. Teachers therefore have very important role to play in helping their students to get most out of reading and become good readers. The problem is, however, that the teacher teaching strategies that seem to have an effect in one situation maybe ineffective and inappropriate in another. 10 Different teaching strategies have different effects on different students, grades, subjects and classroom groups. The teacher may stress one strategy at a time and have the student practice it and raise questions and comments to fill in gaps in understanding. Thus, children read well or poorly for certain definite causes and a teacher must be able to make an analysis of each case to determine the point of strength and weakness before giving help . 11 Teachers use many strategies to improve the learning process and lessen the slow learners with reading disabilities but still not enough.
The data presented in National Achievement Test (NAT), the TIMSS and SISS for the succeeding years remain to stay on a below mastery level. The Philippines ranked among the lowest scoring countries.12
Despite creating intensive programs for enhancement of reading programs and other educational resources both human and materials, academic performance among pupils in the country whether private and public schools still reveal to drop and decelerate.
United Nations Development Program 13 ( UNDP) report cited Philippines as having one of the highest functional literacy in the world. However, the same report from UNDP stated that majority of Filipinos have very poor quality of life. It is an irony. From the educational point of view, either finger-pointing or blaming one cannot alleviate the situation. The only genuine remedy is to try to enrich education with deliberation and determination.
The challenge to improve the condition of the society therefore is behind the challenge to improve various factors in the educational system. The demand for understanding the diversity of learning, improving the teacher’s teaching strategies have become a local and global concern among educators. Through this study, the opportunities of reflection and evaluation will serve as a guide to stimulate the reflective and reactive minds of the teachers, administrators and the key players of the educational system towards innovations, interventions and programs for improvement.
This study is primarily triggered by the experiences of the researcher as a classroom teacher. The challenge of the changing behavior of learners, their multi- intelligence surrounded with new technologies and media awareness that can impair interest or if not hold back the importance of learning especially reading skills. This study looks forward to establish new intervention and concept about reading level of learners with appropriate teaching strategies to be used by the teachers in view of the present generation. This study also intends to search for a concrete support for the success of innovations in the basic education on effective delivery of instruction for lifelong learning and make the classroom encounter more pleasurable and effective to its clientele. Moreover, this also intends to help achieve an authentic quality education that is an agent for quality life of the humanity.
This study was designed to conduct an analysis on the effect of teaching strategies on the reading levels of Grade VI pupils in Gubat South District. Specifically, it answered to the following questions:
1. What are the reading levels of Grade VI learners in Gubat South District as revealed in PHIL IRI?
2. What are the teaching strategies used by the teachers in Gubat South District in teaching reading?
3. What are the difficulties encountered by teachers teaching reading in Gubat South District?
4. How do teaching strategies affect the reading level of pupils as assessed by the teachers?
5. What reading interventions maybe proposed to enhance the reading level of the slow learners in Gubat South District?
This study has the following assumptions:
1. The reading level of Grade VI pupils in Gubat South District are varied.
2. There are different reading/teaching strategies used by the teachers in Gubat South District.
3. Teachers have different difficulties encountered in teaching reading among Grade VI pupils.
4. Teaching strategies suited to learners have great effect on the reading level of pupils.
5. Strategic intervention materials and varied activities will help the learners to improve their reading level.
This study is designed to determine the effect of teaching strategies on the reading levels of Grade VI learners in Gubat South District. The respondents were the Grade VI pupils and the teachers who teach reading, of the 20 schools of Gubat South District.
The respondents were the 582 Grade VI pupils, who already answered the Phil Iri , Pre- Test materials. While there were 20 teacher respondents. They were the teachers teaching reading subject in Grade VI classes.
Other teachers teaching in Gubat South District who were not teachers in reading were excluded in this study. Teachers teaching other subjects like Math and Science were also excluded in this study. Teachers teaching reading but did not teach in Grade VI were not included in this research. Grade VI learners in other public and private schools in the Municipality of Gubat were not covered by the study.
The findings of this study will significantly help the following:
Policy Makers. Result of this study may be included in the curriculum policies that could help for implementation of related programs for slow learners that can elevate performance level of the school, district, division, regional and national achievement test result.
Textbook Makers. Findings of this study may encourage them to make suitable and relevant activities design for the improvement of the performance level of slow learners.
Supervisors. This study will be significant to them to encourage teachers to make innovations and related activities to carry out the goal of the school as well as the goal of the Department of Education as a response to the needs of the new breed of learners.
Principals/ School Heads. Findings of this study will serve as an action to make interventions to improve teacher’s and pupil’s performance.
Teachers. The findings of the study will guide the teachers in their instructional preparations and how to deal with slow learners to further improve teaching for a more productive and meaningful learning and teaching encounter.
Parents. This study will significantly help the parents to provide information to have follow-ups of their children’s academic performance.
Pupils. The pupils will be benefited with the findings of this study by providing them innovations, programs and interventions that will enhance their interest in reading to improve their academic performance and other related skills.
To ensure clear understanding of the terms found in this study, the following terms were defined:
Difficulty. According to Merriam-Webster, it is the quality of something that makes it hard to do or something that is not easy to do or deal with, 14 while in this study the term referred to as the problem/s encountered by the teachers in dealing with slow learners regarding reading.
Innovation. The word defined by Merriam- Webster dictionary it is the introduction of something new such as an idea, method or device.15 innovation is used as a new teaching strategy or new program which will cater to the needs of the slow learners in line with their reading abilities.
Intervention. This is an act of inserting one thing between others, like a person trying to help, intended to make things better. 16 In this study this is a new way, program or solution to help pupils learn more and be motivated to perform in class.
Literacy. This term is defined by the encyclopedia as the ability to read and write at a designated level of proficiency, 17 while in this study literacy is referred to as the basic skills like reading, writing, listening and speaking which has an important contribution to healthy development of an individual or a society.
Performance Level. It is the level of execution of an action. 18 In this study Performance level is described as the result of a test such as formative, summative or quarterly rating of a certain pupil in different subject areas.
PHIL IRI. The Philippine Informal Reading Inventory which is an initiative of the Department of Education that directly addresses its thrust to make every Filipino child a reader. 19
Reading Level. This is measured in terms of school grade levels, indicates the minimum education level that someone would need in order to read and comprehend a piece of writing. 20 In this study the term is used as the extent of ability of a learner to read and comprehend a passage or writings.
Teaching Strategies. This word refers to as the methods used to help students learn the desired course content and be able to develop achievable goals in the future. 21 On the other hand in this study it is a way or technique used by the teachers to help students learn and achieve the desired goal or objectives to increase the performance level.
This chapter talks about the related literature and studies to provide the researcher enough information on the subject under study. This chapter also presents the theoretical framework and paradigm as well as the conceptual framework and paradigm.
Numerous foreign literature were reviewed for necessary the data in the presentation and discussion of this study.
The ability to read and write adequately is basic in today’s world. It is a wonder that more and more do not seem to see the usefulness and the joys of reading. This are caused by many factors. Children often neglect to develop the basic skills of reading, something most needed in the world.
Ozdemir 1 stressed that reading is fundamental in getting knowledge in all the lessons and learning activities which are mostly based on the power of comprehensive reading. It is really necessary to read with comprehension. Learning in any lesson depends on understanding of the learning instrument. Thus; a learner who cannot read comprehensively finds it difficult for him to be successful in his lessons.
Ojo 2 found that the major cause of students’ performance in English and other subjects is their inability to read effectively, which, in turn, is largely due to the attitude of learners toward reading.
The above cited literature is important to the present study because it gives importance on how reading level affects the performance of the pupils in the classroom. It is also relevant in the study because it gave an idea to the researcher to pursue on improving pupils’ reading level through varied teaching strategies.
Furthermore, Dominican Educators 3 emphasized that the main purpose for reading is to comprehend to the ideas in the material. Without comprehension, reading would be empty and meaningless. Readers who can only read facts and nothing more can never be called good reader. It is so sad to note that students who struggle with reading comprehension may fall so far behind in school that they have limited opportunities as an adult.
Galdon, 4 said that the student who is skillful and knowledgeable with words and symbols will be a much better person. The research is favored with the idea. It is through reading that a person can open many opportunities of higher learning which can lead to success.
Moreover, Psychologist and Educator, Parker 5 saw clearly that an ideal learning situation prevail if each child could begin a course of instruction at a point determined by his or her own abilities and present achievements and proceed to learn at his or her own best rate up to full capacity. The same idea given by Stenberg, 6 the students have the ability to succeed if they are taught in a way that better fits their patterns of abilities. With these ideas, the researcher agrees that there must be a suited teaching strategy to be used by teachers in order to achieve and develop children’s full potential. Provision of a wide range of learning activities and experiences in the classroom during the teacher- learning encounter will be a help to students to maximize their learning.
It will be a great joy to have a classroom filled with super organized, eager- to- learn, overly obedient, little angels who can’t wait to get started. The real classroom is a heterogeneous mixtures of different faces. Some eager to learn, some wanting to learn but struggling, some find it impossible to be seated for more than five minutes and some just watching the clock. Every classroom has that one student who needs “ extra attention”. 7 These pupils are commonly called problem reader.. These pupils need more attention than the others.Their most obvious characteristic is a limited attention span and easily get bored compared to more other students. 8 To keep these students actively engaged in the learning process requires more than the usual variation in presentation methods, classroom climate and instructional materials. The cited literature are significant to the present study because it confirmed that one of the problems encountered by teachers who teach reading is the pupils behavior on reading.
Folaranmi, 9 believed that teachers should be involved in working out effective ways of making the teaching profession viable in order to address the problem of non- readers. Teachers therefore have a very important role to play in helping the students. Teachers may use teaching methodologies that would fit to student’s abilities and skills. 10 Teachers should appreciate children thinking as the foundation of their language abilities and maintain flexibility in their expectations regarding their children development such as reading. For children to be successful, they need to become aware of their unique learning strengths for them to effectively strengthen the weak area/s. The child needs to feel loved and appreciated whatever his difficulties in school.
The aforementioned literature gave emphasis on the teaching strategies employed by the teachers towards improving learning outcome which has a big connection to the present study for it tackles the importance of using varied teaching strategies to improve the reading level of pupils.
The following foreign studies facilitated the researcher an ample details that established support to this study.
The improvement of reading abilities of children are the central focus of the wide-ranging researches in the present. The researches underscored the impact of varied teaching strategies in academic achievement, attitude of learners on reading and more importantly the success of the delivery of instruction of teachers. Moreover, research on reading level and slow learners has been conducted over the past decade. These investigations have come up with useful findings about the attitudes of children regarding reading, teaching strategies employed by teachers, different reading programs and factors affecting performance level of learners.
The study conducted by Dunlap 11 revealed that students with low reading level cannot be expected to achieve standard. It is essential to teachers as well as parents to deal with the child with some empathy. Treating them with no difference than other children and not imposing standards that teachers know they cannot attain are very important. The above study has bearing to the present study since it also talked about learners with low reading level .
In the study conducted by Kia, et al, 12 who investigated whether the teaching strategies that matched the learning styles of students produced a higher level of achievement. He concluded that students responded positively to teaching methods which were consonant to their preferred mode of learning. What strategy should they employ to make every learner an effective reader? Well, the most effective way is to teach everyone to read. Improving the reading level of pupils is a tedious and serious task that every body should look into.
While Brooks and Warren, 13 noted that the importance of reflection to reading as not just texts, but to “ reading” their teaching practices. This remind teachers that good teaching is that which comes from deliberate reflection and revision, they must find ways to offer students reading experiences that cast them as co-creators of knowledge and insight rather than extractors and reporters of it.
Zucker 14 also emphasized that, Child’s first read if a text is a unique experience that can never be replicated. The key to building big ideas is to read small.
The cited literature of Kia, et al, Brook and Warren, Zucker bore semblance to the present study because it gave emphasis on the role of experience which can be associated through improved reading performance of the learners.
While in the study conducted by Borah, 15 he found out that there is no doubt that the individual teachers have developed many effective techniques for supporting those learners who needed additional help. With this research findings critical action is indeed important and urgent concern in the battle field of teaching and learning. As Timperly 16 concluded that the key to improve teaching was to ensure that educators are adept to teaching techniques that are focused on becoming responsive to students. It is important to be aware of this, so that they can teach their learners a manner that can grasp the information that is most natural according to their needs.
The cited literature are relevant to the present study, it pointed out the important role of the teachers in choosing adequate teaching strategies that will address to the needs of the pupils.
Owusu-Acheaw 17 concluded that, there is a direct relationship between reading habits and academic performance on his study on Reading Habits Among Students and its Effect on Academic Performance: A Study of Students of Koforidua Polytechnic. Likewise, in the study conducted by Anthony, Pearson and Rafael 18 on Reading Comprehension, they found out that teachers and teacher educators have the knowledge available to make a large- scale reform in terms of both materials and instruction. This study is related to the present research conducted because it also discussed the importance of reading habits, and instruction that affects the reading abilities of the pupils.
Singh 19 also examined the academic achievement,study habits in relation to reading level of higher secondary students. The results indicated that girls and boys differ significantly in their study habits and academic achievement in relation to their reading abilities. All the studies enumerated above have bearing on the present study wherein it discussed none other than reading level and abilities as well as the teaching strategies employed by teachers. With the focused on the said factors to achieve quality teaching- learning inline with reading level among foreign learners, the present study focused on Filipino learners.
Reading is a very important tool in achieving higher classroom performance. It should be aided with suited teaching strategies and instructional materials. Instructional materials are the devices to acquire, assist and facilitate teachers in transmitting knowledge and skills to the learners. The researcher came across several literature which bore significance and relatedness to the present study.
Like mathematics, learning to read is an essential part of basic education. Reading, after all, is an important gateway to the other disciplines. Unfortunately students in the Philippines have not improved as much as in reading comprehension.
Based on the results of National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) exams, progress in reading comprehension has been lagging behind over the past two decades.The NSO's 2010 Census of Population and Housing (CPH) showed that of the 71.5 million individuals who are 10 years old and above, 97.5 percent or 69.8 million were literate or could read and write.97.5% literacy rate is quite an impressive figure but if we will take a look at the result of the National Achievement Test (NAT) ON 2012, Grade 3 students got a Mean Percentage Score of 54.42% in
English reading Comprehension and 58.61% in Filipino. 20 This figures showed that 3rd grade Filipino children are considered as average readers in general. It also shows that Filipino 3rd grade students have problem understanding what she/he is reading whether the text is written in English or Filipino. Moreover, Dr. Ricardo Ma. Nolasco, 21 head of 170+ Talaytayan MLE Inc., a coalition of education reform advocates throughout the country, said that counting and comprehension skills among Filipinos remain dismally and alarmingly low.
Jun Miguel Luz 22 in his “ A Nation of Non-readers”,showed that the problem of non reading lies at the heart of why Philippines is so noncompetitive in the world’s economy and why so many of our people continue to live in poverty.
The aforesaid literature bear semblance to the present study. The authors gave emphasis on the present situation of pupils regarding reading which is also one of the concerns of this study.
From the Functional Literacy, Education and Mass Media Survey ( FLEMMS ) in partnership with the Department of Education 2003, that in elementary schools in the Division of Manila, reading test scores revealed that only one-sixth to one- third of pupils can read independently at the desired grade level. By the end of the elementary cycle ( Grade 6 ), over one-third of elementary graduates were identified as “frustrated” readers; another one- third were “ instructional” readers. Both levels were below the desired reading level at the end of elementary cycle. 23 With the result presented in conducting the PHIL IRI which is true to many schools across the board, here comes now the problem, with poor reading comes poor learning.
The above-cited idea bears relevance to the present study in a way that, it tackles about the reading level of learners revealed by the Phil Iri result, wherein the same instrument is used by the researcher in gathering the data needed in her study.
In a 2007 interview, Dr. Yolanda Quijano, 24 head of the DepEd’s Bureau of Elementary Education, attributed “reading problems as the main culprit for the poor performance of some students in the NAT.” This is definitely a cause for alarm because if the upcoming generation cannot read properly, then there is a big chance they will have difficulty writing and speaking well. This is simple but vital tasks in maintaining that competitive edge in different work areas. If a new generation of professionals is plagued with poor reading comprehension it will result to a handicap country with many business that will shrink .
Another point of view given by Juan Miguel Cruz , 25 despite the supposedly high literacy rate, many Filipinos can barely read and write. This is true especially those living in remote areas as well as the slum areas of the country. Someone once had remarked that this is not a nation of readers. This is a nation of storytellers. This can be one of the reasons why this country can’t have progress in terms of literacy because of the attitudes and culture as well as the quality of education they have for their children.
If a child does not have a strategy teachers expect that reading becomes only frustrating, hurting the child's love for reading. They must develop and not expect these strategies from children. Focusing on strategies that they think good readers should have may not be an effective way of teaching. It is like teaching arithmetic while expecting that a child already knows numbers and how to add and subtract. 26
Reading is the true backbone of most learning. Everything starts with the written word — whether it’s math, science or even home economics. As students go up the educational ladder, more reading is usually required as subjects become more dense and challenging. 27
Trinidad 28 said in his book, that any effort at addressing quality education must start with a good reading program. This good reading program helps a lot the learners to cope with others lessons in different subjects areas. A reading program helps pupils to have good comprehension skill needed to achieve the learning goals.
High school education in the Philippines faces two huge problems: Poor reading comprehension skills and poor performance in Math and Science. It is tempting to correlate the two areas and suggest that the dismal performance in math and science is due to poor reading skills. If this is the case then the solution lies in addressing reading challenges in the elementary years of education. Research, however, shows that there is indeed a correlation, but not a significant one. Poor performance in math and science therefore not results not merely from poor instruction in reading, but from poor instruction across the board. 29 This view only suggest the importance of reading skills in order to cope with good performance in other subject areas.
The aforementioned ideas are related to the present study because it also discussed the importance of teaching strategies for improving better performance in reading. It also gave emphasis that reading is vital and connected with the academic performance of pupils in other subject in which one of the reasons why the researcher is motivated to conduct the present study.
An array of scholarly studies on local sources were gathered and provided satisfactory substantiation to put balance on this study.
Why does the Philippines continue to be an underdeveloped and poor nation? Despite its high literacy rate, it is evident that Filipinos are not a reading populace. Perhaps that is why most of the information people receive today is gathered from television and radio. Newspaper and magazines are read by only 47 percent and 36 percent of the population respectively, according to a 2003 government survey.
In the study conducted by Tizon, 30 she found out that the pupil’s higher level of thinking / comprehension is very low as reflected in their lowest creative ability and lower interpretative and evaluative skills. This was also aligned with the findings of Lanuza 31 that the number of Grade two pupils who possessed proficiency in reading had the ability to comprehend but did not match with the target of the DepEd which is the ability to read and comprehend. Likewise Dineros , 32 in her study on Reading Comprehension Skills of First Year Students: Basis for School Reading Program. She found out that the respondents are good in literal comprehension but poor in interpretative and critical comprehension. These studies are related to the present study for it it also emphasized on the reading levels of pupils.
Another study conducted by Protacio, 33 found out that the importance of teachers examining their own perceptions about reading and reading instruction as one of the basic tools used in the learning process. This is a great help in achieving higher performance level in the classroom.
The study conducted by Mojares, 34 concluded that most instructors in English subjects from Batangas State University – Malvar Campus are young females with Master’s degree units and less teaching experience. This means that age, educational attainment and years of teaching experience are related to the teaching strategies they used.
Similarly the study of Formaran 35 pointed out the significance of teaching methodologies in relation with the learner’s academic Performance. The present study and of Formaran pointed out the relation of teaching and learning to the present study.
Ajero 36 concluded that teaching strategies like SRA creates positive impact on pupil’s learning how to read as perceived by the teachers. The study is related to the present study because it also discussed the importance of teaching strategies in improving the reading level of the learners.
Magno, 37 After the experiment, she believed that it has become clear that the intervention to improve reading performance can be effective by working with an adult and more expert type of learners.The most important outcome of this study is that the use of reading strategy instruction and learners’ reading strategy awareness play a significant role in improving their reading level which is related to the present study conducted. It also gave emphasis that teachers must use varied teaching strategies in order to achieve higher reading level.
While according to Abulon, 38 innovation in teaching methods like the use of interactive teaching style and information communication technology ( ICT ) as well as highlighting the importance of authentic learning and being student- centered should be included in the expectations of pre - service teacher in terms of their instructional competence and efficacy.
In the study conducted by Orencia 39 on Enhancing Pupils Reading Comprehension and Attitudes Through a Whole Language- Inspired Literature- Based Reading program, She concluded that several factors were believed to be crucial in promoting their comprehension development which is the demonstration of various strategies in reading which will help them acquire strategies needed to become proficient readers.
The work of Abalun and Orencia are somehow related to the present study because it also talk about teaching methods for instructional competence and efficacy. It pointed out the role and importance of teaching methods in achieving higher classroom performance.
The wide- range and significant analyses discussed of the above mentioned studies enlightened noteworthy ideas to the present study. The cited foreign and local literature widely scanned the concepts and ideas impetus in this research. All of them offered supportive and valuable data and facts associated to the present study. The reviewed foreign literature emphasized the importance of teaching methods and strategies to improve the reading level of learners to achieve the real purpose of education.
In the foreign setting, research made by Ozdemir, Galdon and Dominican Educators emphasized that reading without comprehension is meaningless.While Parker, Stenberg, Folaranmi emphasized that teaching methodologies and strategies helped a lot to address the problems of non-readers.
The studies of Dunlap, Kia, et al, Borah and Timperly showed the great effect of teaching strategies employed by teachers to improve reading levels of learners. The studies revealed that improved teaching and suited teaching strategies used by teachers had great impact on the reading level of pupils especially the pupils in frustration level to cope with other difficult subject areas.
In the local analyses, the point of view of Nolasco, Luz, Quijanos and Cruz evolved around that reading problems cited by the result of Phil Iri contributed a lot to poor learning which resulted to low performance in National Achievement Test. On the other hand, the studies conducted by Protacio, Mojares, Ajero, Magno and Abulon exposed the noteworthy relation of reading and the teaching strategies employed by teachers which have significant role in improving the reading level of the learners.
After a detailed review on the gathered data on relevant literature and of the listed foreign and local studies, it revealed that there are many researches and studies conducted about reading and teaching strategies. However, there is no such study that focused similar to this present study. The previous local studies only focused on either reading affecting pupil’s performance level or about teaching strategies used for pupils who have low reading level for improved performance while the present study focused on the impact of the teaching strategies employed by teachers on improving the reading level of pupils through varied teaching strategies. Some studies just focused on the effect of teaching strategies on primary grades while in this study, it is concerned on the reading level of intermediate pupils specifically Grade VI learners who are already expected to have the skill in reading and how the teachers deal with this through the use of varied teaching strategies. This is the gap that the researcher would like to bridge.
Over the years, numerous psychologists have developed learning theories aimed to guide educators of today in curriculum development and to design different approaches for instruction. This research recognized the ideas of various educational philosophers and psychologists who are expert in the field of teaching and learning process.
A number of theories and principles in reading and teaching strategies guided the teachers and instructional implementer in the attainment of quality education. Bloom 40 stated that knowledge, comprehension and application are pillars of learning. The quantity and quality of instruction are the most important factors related to teaching and learning. Garcia 41 theorized that learning becomes meaningful because of methodologies. The theory is relevant to this study in a way that it provides a framework for the analysis of teacher’s used methodologies as well as the effect of it on students interaction in the classroom.
Vygostky 42 on the other hand believed that learners are apprentice under the supervision of one or more teachers that provide instruction for each students at the maximum level. Hence, the teacher needs to be skillful enough in creating means to make the lesson more attractive, meaningful and productive.
Thompson’s 43 explained that modern view on reading considers an approach to learning to read which stress motivation, materials and practice that encourage the search for meaning. Her ideas is grounded on the principles of psycholinguistics. This view is related to the present study which also give stress to the suited teaching strategies and instructional materials in order to attain better pupil performance in reading.
The psycholinguistics theory of reading conceptualized by Smith 44 disposes the idea of reading as a sort of clock- work mechanism to which the teacher alone holds the key. Both Thompson and Smith recognized the multifacetedness of reading as a process and skill. For them success could be attributed to relevant and high quality reading materials, motivation which is more important than the content and confident attitude of teachers and parents on pupils ability to learn.
Those aforementioned theories caught the interest of the researcher to come up with her Theory that reading level is affected by the teaching strategies employed by teachers. The formulated theory believes that high reading level of slow learners together with the suited strategies results to a meaningful and productive teaching- learning encounter. Furthermore, teacher as a key to the learning process and with the biggest contribution on pupils’ learning must be sensitive to realize an effective means of taking care of these learners with low reading level with an appropriate strategies in preparing instructional materials and lesson plans.
Illustrations are not included in the reading sample
Figure 1.0 Theoretical Paradigm
This framework presents specific details of the researcher’s personal perception of this study. Likewise, brief accounts are presented to understand relationships of the identified variables.
This study recognized the parallel relation of the reading level and the teaching strategies used by teachers to their pupils. To understand the parallelism of the two variables, the input consists of the reading level of learners taken from the Phil Iri which are being categorized into three reading level. Independent reading level is described as pupils that can read with ease and without the help or guidance of a teacher. Instructional reading level constitutes of pupils that profit from instruction.They can answer three out of five test questions correctly. While Frustration reading level consists of pupils that gets two or below in the Phil Iri test and commit multiple types of errors in oral reading. The teaching strategies used by teachers are statistically treated through interviews and observation, frequency count, percentage and ranking as the basic tools. This process facilitates in designing a proposed activities to address the problem on pupils with low reading level.
The paradigm shown in figure 2, illustrates the conceptualization of the reading level and teaching strategies employed by teachers in Gubat South District which can successfully contribute in designing varied activities for meaningful and productive teaching- learning of the individual learners.
Illustrations are not included in the reading sample
Figure 2 Conceptual Paradigm
This chapter presents the methods and procedures employed. It includes the respondents, research design and methodology, the data- gathering procedure, research instrument and the statistical treatment.
This study used the descriptive method of research. According to Sevilla 1, descriptive method is designed for the investigator to gather information about the present and existing situation. Descriptive research goes beyond mere gathering and tabulation of data. It involves an element of interpretation of the meaning and significance of what is described. This allows an in-depth knowledge and information about the subject matter of the study.
Descriptive method was used for it is essentially concerned with the analysis of the answers given by the respondents through the use of questionnaire to determine the reading level of the pupils. Interview questions were conducted to gather about the teaching strategies commonly used by the teachers. The method facilitated in finding the vital and precise data that best fit in the correct interpretation analysis and conclusion of the information on the students reading level in relation to the teaching strategies employed by the reading teachers in Gubat South District .
The researcher used the Philippine Informal Reading Inventory (Phil IRI) Pre- Test result conducted during the month of September by the teacher- adviser in each school of Gubat South District in gathering the data . The reading materials and questionnaire used is suited to the grade level of the pupils based on the Phil Iri to determine their reading level.
The teacher respondent answered the interview questionnaire that best described the teaching strategies they used during the delivery of the lesson. The questionnaire also gathered information about the problem encountered by the teachers in teaching reading. The questions focused on the impact of reading strategies among the learners. The Phil Iri and interview questionnaire served as the major source of information.
The respondents of this study were the five hundred eighty two (582) Grade Six pupils and twenty (20) teachers from Gubat South District. The researcher was challenged to find authentic measures and bases to help teachers come up with reliable, much suited teaching strategies for these learners to improve their academic performances. This study also want to help the teachers to assess the reading levels of pupils according to the strategies used in teaching reading as well as to identify the most serious problem that hinders the increase in reading level of pupils. Table A shows the respondents of the study.
Table A The Respondents
Illustrations are not included in the reading sample
Table A shows the numbers of pupil and teacher respondents. These were the grade VI pupils from Gubat South Districtl. The teacher respondents were the reading teachers teaching grade VI.
Upon the advise of Dr. Danilo E. Despi. Researchers’ adviser the researcher secured permission and approval from the offices concerned to be allowed to conduct her study in the schools concerned.. The office of the Schools Division Superintendent, District office and the office of the School Head granted the researcher permission to conduct the study on January 13, 2017
To gather the needed data, the researcher asked for the data in the Phi Iri Pre Test result in grade VI classes to determine the different reading levels of the pupils.The generation of data from the Phil IRI results were used for the purpose of completion of this study. With the results, the researcher compiled the answers and computed the total number of pupils in each level .The researcher personally administered the conduct of the interview questionnaire to teachers. There were 99% retrieval of the Phil Iri result and 99% of the interview questionnaire, answers were tallied and presented in tables for analysis, statistical treatment and interpretation.
The following scales were devised to quantify the variables of the study:
On Teaching Strategies Employed by the Teachers in Teaching Reading
Illustrations are not included in the reading sample
On Impact of Teaching Strategies on Reading Level of Pupils
Illustrations are not included in the reading sample
To arrive at certain answers for sub- problems 1- 4, the statistical tools employed were frequency count and percentage (%). These were used because the data involved were descriptive. Weighted mean is also considered in some responses and data obtained from the respondents.
The following instruments were used to help analyze and interpret the data.
Frequency Count. This tool is utilized to verify the number of respondents for the information needed as well as the number of students in the different reading levels and the number of teachers using different teaching strategies in teaching reading.
Percentage and Ranking. It showed the corresponding frequency in percentage. The highest percentage showed the highest number of frequency while the lowest percentage represents the lowest frequency.
This chapter presents the findings and discussion of the gathered data for this study. The discussion is based from the formulated specific sub- problems of the study. Data were purposely treated with tabular presentations and precise interpretation to effectively connect and present the relevance of the collected data. This included the reading level of Grade VI learners based from the result of the Phil IRI from the different schools in Gubat South District, the teaching strategies employed by teachers, the difficulties encountered by teachers in teaching reading and the impact of teaching strategies on reading level of pupils. Cautious treatment of the data was made for valid and reliable findings.
The importance of reading in school is a universal truth. Reading as the mother of all skills as discussed in previous chapters really proves the importance of reading as part of the success of the school. Educational researchers have found that there is a strong correlation between reading and academic success. 1
In other words, a student who is a good reader is more likely to do well in school and pass exams than a student who is a weak reader.
Good readers can understand the individual sentences and the organizational structure of a piece of writing. They can comprehend ideas, follow arguments, and detect implications. They know most of the words in the text already. They can also determine the meaning of many of the unfamiliar words from the context - failing this, they can use their dictionary effectively to do so. In summary, good readers can extract from the writing what is important for the particular task they employed in. And they can do it quickly.Educational researchers have also found a strong correlation between reading and vocabulary knowledge. 2 In other words, students who have a large vocabulary are usually good readers. This is not very surprising, since the best way to acquire a large vocabulary is to read extensively, and if one reads extensively he is likely to become a good reader. Through reading, he exposes himself to new things, new information, new ways to solve a problem, and new ways to achieve one thing. One might find his new hobbies within it. He might actually explore one thing he really likes and it may end up becoming his career and success in the future. Exploration begins from reading and understanding. If teachers want their learners to be successful at school, they must encourage them to read and if done extensively will help his pupils develop the reading competence that is essential for academic achievement.
Table 1.0
Reading Level of Grade VI Learners as Revealed by Phil - Iri
Illustrations are not included in the reading sample
Table 1.0 presents the Reading Level of Grade VI learners of Gubat South District. The result shows that the highest percentage of respondents in English is in frustration level which is 39 % or 227 of the total respondents show symptoms or behavior of withdrawing from reading situations and commit multiple types of errors in oral reading, while 33 % or 190 respondents are in instructional level. Pupils in this level can profit from instruction. They can answer three out of five test questions correctly and commit few errors in oral reading. There are only 28 % or 165 respondents who belong to Independent level. Learners in this level can read with ease and without the supervision and guidance from the teacher. Pupils can answer four to five questions correctly out of five test questions and can read with rhythm, with conversational tone and can interpret punctuation correctly.
However, the table also shows the difference between the reading level of pupils in English and Filipino. It can be deduced that there are lesser number of pupils in frustration level. There are only 30 % or 176 respondents in this level out of 582 respondents, while 38 % or 218 of the respondents belong to instructional level. Table 1.0 reveals that there are more independent readers in Filipino than in English. There are 32 % or 184 pupils can read well in Filipino while only 28 % or 165 pupils can read well in English. This imply that it is easier to read in Filipino than in English. It is also evident that English is the Filipino’s bridge to the outside world of wisdom, knowledge, and people, a means of interaction. These data show that teachers should double their effort in teaching reading in English. They should be creative and find concrete solutions to the continues decrease of quality education which are related also to reading problems.
Quality outcome in teaching is determined by the appropriate teaching strategies employed by the teachers.The teacher is largely responsible for creating classroom experiences that leads to student learning.
According to Abba, 3 teachers should provide the students today the basic tools of learning so that they could cope with this global competitive world. He added that teachers must choose the best suited teaching strategies to improve the learning outcome of the pupils. To read efficiently is to approach every reading task with a clear and definite purpose and the flexibility to adjust reading strategy to the purpose on hand.
Different purposes demand appropriate retention level and therefore the use of different reading strategies or approaches are necessary to achieve better performance.
Table 2.0
Teaching Strategies Used by the Teachers in Teaching Reading
Illustrations are not included in the reading sample
Teaching strategies employed by teachers in their classes are important factors to make pupils gain and learn from the lesson. Table 2.0 presents the different common strategies used in teaching reading. It can be noted that the commonly or often used teaching strategies are explicit instruction and the four- pronged approach with the mean value of 4.05. Theses approaches are approaches commonly used for slow learners. Explicit instruction has repetitive activities so that the learners can master the skills being taught. Next to it is think and share with a mean value of 3.95 which also fall as often used. This is the same with concept / semantic web strategy having a mean value of 3. 65 which is often used. Phonic approach has a value of 3.53 or often used, while Metacognition has a mean value of 3. 16 or sometimes used. Schema approach is sometimes used with a weighted mean of 2. 95. Whole method fall on 2.74 or sometimes used. This is the same with fuller approach which is also sometimes used.
Marungko approach has a mean value of 2.21 described as seldom used. Cartilla method is also seldom used, with a weighted mean of 1.61 respectively. The data imply that among the strategies presented explicit instruction, four- pronged approach, think and share, concept/semantic web and phonic approach are the most common strategies employed by many teachers in Gubat South District. While, Marungko and Cartilla method is seldom used. These approaches are basic in teaching reading in primary grades.
Motivated to raising awareness that students learn in different ways, both Rita and Kenneth Dunn 4 believed that educators need to provide multiple strategies to address the needs of learners and maximize teaching materials for more efficient learning. This data show that teachers use varied teaching strategies suited for the learners in order to address the problem on reading for better learning.
Teaching reading is a great challenge among teachers. Certain views are considered before using specific strategy to make a child read with comprehension in order to increase pupils’ reading level. There are several factors which can affect the performance of the teachers as well as the pupils.
Table 3.0
Difficulties Encountered in Teaching Reading
Illustrations are not included in the reading sample
The challenges and difficulties encountered by teachers in teaching reading are shown on the table above. Data on the table reflect also the extent of seriousness of the problem.
The most serious problem encountered by teachers in teaching reading shown in table 3.0 is limited time spend in reading by the pupils. It falls as rank one (1). Although, there are only five (5) respondents answered it the most serious problem encountered, the situation is much related with problem number two (2) which is lack of reading habits among among pupils. Limited time spend in reading will result to lack of reading habits, because time is very important in order to develop reading habits among pupils. The data revealed that lack of reading habits rank number two (2) as the most serious problem encountered by teachers in teaching reading.
Poor word recognition rank number three (3), while pupils’ negative attitude towards reading rank as number four (4) and pupils’ comprehension not keeping up rank as number five (5). The cited problem is also connected with each one. Poor word recognition with negative attitude towards reading results to low comprehension, which is one of the most important skill that enable pupils to read well.
Varied reading levels rank as number six (6). Different reading levels become one of the great challenge of teachers on intermediate grades. Most teachers said that remediation classes in the afternoon always focus on pupils with low reading level. They have concluded that this different reading levels of pupils made their lesson longer than being presented in the budget of work or curriculum guide.
Lack of support from parents rank seven (7) while pupils’ absenteeism rank number eight (8). While lack of reading materials, limited training, lack of experience in teaching reading and non standard classrooms are the least serious problems encountered by teachers in teaching reading.
The data significantly denote that there are lots of problems teachers have encountered in teaching reading. Teachers should be creative enough to address the problems to gain improve performance in the aspect of reading. Teachers nowadays have many sources which can be used in making reading materials. Lots of training are already provided by the Department of Education. There are added budget so that conducive learning environment may contribute to a better quality education.
People learn in different ways. Teachers have to consider lots of factors in order to attain quality education. The different strategies employed by the teachers have different effects to the learners. Teachers must be really good enough analyzing and observing the needs of the pupils so that their efforts will have good results.
Table 4.0
Impact of Teaching Strategies on Reading Level of Pupils
Illustrations are not included in the reading sample
Teaching strategies are tools which allow readers to be more actively involved in reading. Table 4.0 presents the impact of teaching strategies on reading level of pupils. Among the respondents, mean value of 4.20 agreed that teachers who employ reading strategies with ease and mastery facilitated pupils’ learning to read. It is really a fact teacher’s explanation is an integral part of success in learning, how he delivers the lesson and use a certain strategy really matters.
According to John Dewey and other famous philosophers, education is best achieved through varied activities performed by pupils. The data presented that many teachers of Gubat South District believed in this idea. Teaching strategies which are pupil-centered resulted to better learning performance. It has a mean value of 4. 67 or strongly agree.This idea is also related to learning to read is facilitated through a collaborative technique, which has 4. 60 as the weighted mean. Collaborative technique is also a technique using activities performed by pupils which are facilitated by the teacher.
Teaching techniques which recognize pupils’ experiences make teaching reading easy having a weighted mean of 4. 62 or strongly agree. Many educators already proved that prior knowledge of a child really affects his learning. Schema theory is the most prominent representational theory of reading which points out the importance of prior knowledge in learning. Experiences can connect to the lesson and make him more interested in participating during discussion.
Teachers also agree that the longer time spent in reading,the better performance the learners have. It has a weighted mean of 4.50, the same with involvement of parents enhances reading performance.Such factors convey that different angles must be considered to achieve better reading performance.
Teachers strongly agree that the more reading materials are available, the better reading performance the pupils attained.It has a mean value of 4.53. Reading materials help a lot in encouraging pupils to read. Teachers must considers suited reading materials to be given to learners according to their reading level.
Recent investigators have stressed the development and use of phonics in early grades and as a remedial aid. Baker, found out that confusion of word form is the greatest difficulty in learning to read. According to the data presented on the table, teachers strongly agree that sound recognition is the foundation towards reading mastery. It has a mean value of 4.53. While teachers attitude contributes in the reading development of the pupils has a weighted mean of 4.27. They also agree with the idea.But teachers believe that there are other factors that contribute to the reading development of pupils.
Provision of incentives motivate learners to read has a mean value of 4.12. Incentives also triggers pupils interest to read. However, teachers have stated that incentives are less effective in intermediate pupils than in primary grades.
The emerging trends in education stress the idea that there is a great impact on students’ learning once the teaching strategies to be used by the teacher are considered. Learners learn differently compared with others. Thus, teachers have to address the different needs of the learner for quality and positive results to enhance their reading level.
Realizing fully the dynamic relationship between teaching and learning, teachers should be equipped with different skills to make the learning outcome more productive. With the kind of learners who are exposed to a variety of gadgets and technology they are challenged to use their multi- intelligences and at the same time educators are also challenged to make and cope with the changing world of education. This reality is a great challenge on how learning will successfully and meaningfully be achieved in the classroom.
Having a complete idea that learners need different strategies, Blackmore suggested that one of the first things educators can do to aid the progress in learning is simply to be aware of what pupils can do and what methodologies are suited to them. This will definitely provide a new road for academic success.
As the researcher comes up with the result from the consolidated data, SIM ( Strategic Intervention Material) and selected reading sheets are the proposed activities that are of great help to attain better learning outcome for the teachers and the learners.
Strategic Intervention Materials are commonly used in other subjects like Math and Science. This intervention is usually made to achieve higher performance level based on the least mastered skill during classroom assessment. This proposed intervention will address those pupils who belong to the frustration level. It contains different parts, the cover page and the title card which contain the title of the SIM and what can be found inside it. Title card is followed by the least mastered learning competency. Pupils can read the main objective and sub task in this page. The next page is the guide card. In this page the author explains and give the general instructions to be followed by the learners in doing the next activity. Activity card is composed of series of activities that will help the learner master the skills presented in the LMLC.The teacher may help or read the story in Activity 4 and ask questions during the reading phase. The next pages present the assessment card. The same with the activity card, it is also composed of varied activities to assess whether the pupils really master the skill. The different reading materials are taken from some books and websites which can be found in the reference card. Answer card will be the next page, this will help the pupils in checking their outputs. Next page is the enrichment card. This will further help the learner in achieving mastery of the lesson. The last page will be the reference card. Cited in this page are the different references used by the author in the SIM.
Another proposed activity is the used of reading worksheets. This activity can be given to those pupils in instructional level and independent level. These pupils can work on their own or by peers. After reading the story pupils will answer some questions found at the back part of each stories.
This will hopefully serve as creative activities to the immediate actors in education especially the teachers and a meaningful impulse for students to attain greater output in learning.
In using the intervention materials, the teachers are expected to:
1. Improve pupils’ attitude toward learning.
2. Inculcate the importance of reading to pupils who might be affected in their future learning performance.
3. Contribute in attaining quality and productive learning outcome.
4. Gain better learning through reading varied reading activities.
Presented in this chapter are the summary of findings, conclusion and recommendation based on the data collected, analyzed and interpreted.
This study entitled “ Improving Pupils Reading Level Through Varied Teaching Reading Strategies ” was conducted to determine what effective strategies can be used in teaching reading. The study also analyzed the impact of the strategies among the pupils of Gubat South District. Specifically, this study aimed to find answers to the following sub- problems:
1. What are the reading levels of Grade VI learners in Gubat South District as revealed in PHIL IRI?
2. What are the teaching strategies used by the teachers in Gubat South District in teaching reading?
3. What are the difficulties encountered by the teachers teaching reading in Gubat South District?
4. How do teaching strategies affect the reading level of pupils as assessed by the teachers?
5. What reading interventions maybe proposed to enhance the reading level of the slow learners in Gubat South District?
Several foreign and local literature and related studies about the reading level and teaching strategies were reviewed. Fundamental theories on reading and the use of teaching strategies were utilized. The Socio- cultural theory of Vygotsky, Taxonomy of learning of Bloom,Theory of Methodology of Garcia and Psycho linguistic Theory of Thompson scaffolded this study. From these theories the researcher had been guided in creating her theory , the Peruse Researcher’s theory.
The respondents of this study were the Grade VI pupils and the English Grade VI teachers of Gubat South District during the school year 2016-2017. There were 582 pupil- respondents and 19 teacher- respondents in this study.
The descriptive research method best fit in providing the data collected and interpreted from the respective respondents. The collected data were interpreted through the use of frequency count, weighted mean, sum of ranks and percentage statistical tools to arrive at valid and reliable conclusion.
Through the help of the statistical tools employed, the following salient findings were drawn:
1. The Grade VI pupils of Gubat South District have different reading level portrayed by the result of the PHIL- IRI. The result also exhibited that pupils reading levels were different in English and Filipino.Out of 582 respondents there were 227 pupils who belonged to frustration level in English while in Filipino there were 176 respondents who belonged in this level. In English, only 190 respondents were in instructional level while in Filipino, there were 218 respondents were in this level. There were 165 respondents who belonged to independent level in English while 184 respondents in Filipino belonged in this level.
2. It was found out that explicit instruction and four- pronged approach which both have a mean value of 4.05, think and share with 3.95, concept/ semantic web with 3.65 and phonic approach with 3.53 as its mean were the strategies often used by the teachers in teaching reading to Grade VI pupils while cartilla which has a numerical rating of 1. 63 and marungko approach with 2.21 were seldom used.
3. Based from the result, lack or limited time spent in reading by the pupils was the most serious problem encountered by teachers in teaching reading . Next in rank was lack of reading habits among pupils which was closely related to the first problem encountered by the teachers while non standard classroom was the least serious problem encountered.
4. It was found out that teaching strategies which are pupil- centered had a great impact on reading performance. It has a weighted mean of 4.67. Teaching techniques which were related to pupils’ experiences also helped in teaching reading easy with a mean value of 4.62. The result also showed that more reading materials available, would mean increased reading performance among pupils. Teachers strongly agreed that sound recognition is the foundation towards reading mastery. It had both a mean value of 4.53.
6. Implementation of differentiated instruction and the use of varied materials in teaching reading such as strategic intervention materials and reading sheets can address and help increase the reading level of pupils for better performance and later result to school achievements.
Based from the aforementioned findings, the following conclusions are drawn:
1. The reading level of Grade VI pupils of Gubat South District were varied; however there was a difference between the result on Phil Iri in English and Filipino. There were more respondents who belonged in frustration level in English than in Filipino.
2. There were different teaching strategies which can be used in teaching reading suited for intermediate grades. Moreover, there were common strategies often used such as explicit instruction, four- pronged approach, think and share, concept/semantic web and phonic approach.
3. The most serious problem encountered by teachers was the lack or limited time spend by pupils in reading closely related to lack of reading habits among pupils. Time was one of the key factors to develop reading habit which may result to improve reading level.
4. Suited teaching strategies employed by teachers can greatly affect the reading levels of pupils especially those teaching strategies which are pupil- centered and based from their experiences.
5. Differentiated instruction and use of varied materials in reading such as strategic intervention materials and reading sheets will be a great help to increase the reading level and ensure a meaningful teaching- learning outcome.
Based on the presented conclusions the following recommendations are presented:
1. Teachers teaching reading be encouraged to have full awareness of their pupils’ reading levels and create a conducive environment for reading in order to help those pupils in frustration level.
2. Continues education, professional growth and self- updating on new strategies to meet the needs of the learners be encouraged.
3. Awareness of the different reading level and serious problems that hinder the achievement to increase the reading level of the learners, to come up with a solution to improve pupils’ performance be the priority of the reading teachers.
4. Teachers teaching reading be encouraged to use suited reading strategies among pupils.
5. Appropriate and varied teaching/ reading materials parallel to pupils reading level be employed to provide a meaningful teaching- learning encounter.
6. Replication of this study be conducted in wider scope.
7. Interested researchers be encouraged to conduct researches on the following:
A. Effects of Teaching Strategies on the Reading Level of Pupils.
B. Pupils’ Attitude towards Reading: It’s Effect on the Reading Level of Learners
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