Bachelorarbeit, 2023
90 Seiten, Note: 1,3
This thesis aims to understand the importance of diversity for Gen-Z in the workplace and how this impacts diversity management practices. The research analyzes Gen-Z's perspectives on diversity, their expectations of employers regarding diversity, and the role of diversity management in their decision-making process. This study contributes to understanding the evolving needs of a new generation entering the workforce and provides valuable insights for organizations seeking to attract and retain Gen-Z talent.
The first chapter introduces the research background, question, key concepts, and the thesis' benefits. It also explores the internationality of the topic and the increasing importance of diversity management in the context of Gen-Z entering the workforce.
Chapter two delves into the development and legal evolution of diversity management, highlighting considerations for Gen-Z from an HR perspective. It further explores the concept of diversity, its dimensions, and approaches to diversity management. It also discusses the necessity, benefits, and challenges of workplace diversity management, examining its implications for human resource management.
Chapter three outlines the research methodology, including the research method, design, population and sampling, data collection, and reliability and validity. It provides a comprehensive overview of the study's design and execution, ensuring transparency and rigor.
Chapter four presents the results of the study, including demographic information, Gen-Z's familiarity with the concept of diversity, their attitudes towards diversity at the workplace and diversity management, and the main tasks of workplace diversity management. It provides valuable data and insights into the preferences and expectations of Gen-Z regarding diversity.
The primary focus of this thesis lies in the intersection of diversity, diversity management, and Gen-Z. The study explores the dimensions of diversity, its importance for Gen-Z in their career choices, and the implications for diversity management practices within organizations. It emphasizes the significance of fostering a diverse and inclusive work environment to attract, retain, and engage Gen-Z talent. Key terms and concepts include diversity, diversity dimensions, diversity management, Gen-Z, workplace diversity, inclusive work environment, and talent attraction and retention.
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