Bachelorarbeit, 2024
58 Seiten, Note: 1,0
List of figures
List of Abbreviations
1. Introduction
1.1 Goals ofthe Project and Research Question
1.2 Parameters ofProject and State ofCurrent Research
1.3 Overview and Methodology
2. IntroductiontoArtificiallntelligence
2.1 Artificial Intelligence
2.1.2 DeepLearning
2.1.3 Robotics
2.1.4 Natural Language Processing
2.1.5 Generative Al
2.2 Historical Development of Artificial Intelligence
3. Economic Effects of Artificial Intelligence on the Labor Market
3.1 Automation and Potential Job Losses
3.2 AI asa Support for Growth
3.3 EmergenceofNewOccupationalFields
4. Skills Required in the Age of AI
4.1 Traditional Skills and their Relevance
4.2 Emerging Skills and their Relevance
4.3 Reskilling and Upskilling
5. Analysis of Al's Impact and Skills Requirements in Relevant Sectors
5.1 Finance
5.1.1 Application of Al in Finance
5.1.2 Resulting Skill Requirements in Finance
5.2 Public Administration
5.2.1 Application of AI in Public Administration
5.2.2 Resulting Skill Requirements in Public Administration
6. Conclusion
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