Masterarbeit, 2024
83 Seiten, Note: 10.0
This dissertation focuses on the techno-economic analysis of a modular cryogenic energy storage (CES) system. The study aims to explore the potential of CES as a grid-scale energy storage solution, considering its ability to enhance electricity generation and provide economic benefits. The analysis incorporates various system configurations and assesses their performance based on factors like adiabatic efficiency, turbine inlet temperature, and operational costs.
Chapter One provides an introduction to the research topic, outlining the background, objectives, significance, scope, and limitations of the study. It highlights the importance of sustainable energy storage solutions and the potential of CES in addressing global challenges. Chapter Two presents a comprehensive review of relevant literature on cryogenic energy storage. The chapter explores the principles of CES operation, different system configurations, charging and discharging processes, economic analysis, and the advantages and disadvantages of CES compared to other energy storage technologies. This chapter lays the foundation for the research by providing a detailed understanding of existing knowledge and current trends in the field.
The key focus of this dissertation is on cryogenic energy storage, particularly the techno-economic analysis of various system configurations. The research employs computational modeling and simulation techniques to assess the performance and economic viability of CES. Key themes include energy storage, sustainability, energy efficiency, grid stability, waste heat integration, capital expenditures, operating costs, and economic optimization.
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