Masterarbeit, 2022
55 Seiten, Note: A
The impact of the pandemic in 2020 has created increasing concern about the quality of food. This concern is reflected in consumers’ demand for clean products, free from chemicals that are harmful to human health. However, in countries like Colombia and generally in Latin America, there is a tendency to ignore organic products and their benefits for human health. The purpose of this study was to determine if there is an opportunity for a European company like Arla Foods to penetrate the Colombian market and encourage consumers to purchase organic dairy products, as well as increase awareness of the benefits of these products for health and the environment. For this purpose, both quantitative and qualitative data, as well as theories from the curriculum, are needed. This allows for answering the project’s main hypotheses and creating a relevant marketing strategy for Arla Foods. The results of the study show that the younger generation and the well-educated Colombians have postmodern values that make them susceptible to concerns about sustainability, the environment, and overall quality of life. They tend to be more willing to accept changes and shifts in consumption patterns, creating a market niche for Arla’s organic dairy products.
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