Masterarbeit, 2020
71 Seiten, Note: 5.2 out of 6 GPA
This study is to explore the impact of TVET on the labour market and sustainable development of Myanmar. Although the research is the generalized view, the target population of this research became the employees working at a garment industry in rural area. A sample of 200 employees working at Hakers Enterprise (Myanmar) Co. Ltd in Pathein Industrial Zone was selected as the respondents of the study with the simple random sampling procedure. The study is in-depth learning of the life of the blue-collar employees in the garment industry and their expectations on TVET training programs. Based on the findings of their expectation and belief, the TVET training programs can be drawn. The descriptive method is used to present the data findings of the research through frequency data. SPSS data analysis software was used to analyze the data collected from the respondents. Most of the respondents of this study had lower income and lower education and strong desire to attend the TVET training programs for their career development. They have a strong belief of TVET programs that they can change the life of Myanmar. This research focus is limited and not to contribute the overall garment sector. The future researcher may focus on the study to explore the life and expectation of white-collar employees. The Myanmar Government can infer the finding of this research in the projects of sustainable development of Myanmar, especially in the education and career development projects.
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