Masterarbeit, 2010
82 Seiten, Note: A
Working across cultural boundaries is more challenging as the workforce at large becomes increasingly diverse and global. Quite often, managers who cross cultural boundary lines ignore skills needed to perform effectively in a new environment. Research on cultural intelligence, emotional intelligence and intercultural consciousness show how managers can enhance their leadership skills in intercultural situations.
Several qualitative case studies are analyzed to show how managers who cross cultural boundaries unprepared are apt to make mistakes.
In one study, key recommendations are made for professionals who frequently interact with guest workers in Germany. Another study shows how interaction between business leaders from the United States and Brazil exposes both groups lack of knowledge and preparedness to interact with each other. A third study provides an insight on ethnic Hispanics and intercultural concerns in US mainstream culture.
This study recommends that individuals prepare themselves by acquiring and developing intercultural skills and competencies to interact with, maintain and lead a
diverse workforce.
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