Bachelorarbeit, 2024
43 Seiten, Note: 1.2
This study investigates the connection between early reading literacy and reading comprehension skills in Grade 5 pupils. The research aims to understand the importance of early literacy development for later academic success. It explores the factors that contribute to early reading literacy, focusing on the role of cognitive skills, parental involvement, and early exposure to letter-sound correspondences.
Introduction: This section introduces the problem of declining reading proficiency among Filipino Grade 5 students and highlights the importance of early reading literacy for academic success. It states the research aims to investigate the connection between early reading literacy and reading comprehension skills.
CHAPTER I: The Problem And Its Setting: This chapter details the challenges faced by Filipino students in reading, particularly in the context of the pandemic's impact on education. It presents statistics on reading proficiency levels and discusses the difficulties faced by students and teachers. The chapter concludes by outlining the research objectives.
Review of Related Literature: Early Reading Literacy: This section explores existing literature on early reading literacy, focusing on the role of cognitive skills, parental involvement, and the impact of early literacy development on later reading abilities. Several studies are reviewed highlighting the importance of early interventions.
Review of Related Literature: Letter Knowledge: This section delves into the importance of letter knowledge as a crucial component of early reading literacy. Research on the relationship between early alphabet knowledge, letter-sound correspondence, and reading success is discussed.
Early reading literacy, reading comprehension, Grade 5 pupils, cognitive skills, letter knowledge, phonological awareness, parental involvement, academic performance, Philippines, literacy development, letter-sound correspondence.
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