Bachelorarbeit, 2018
40 Seiten, Note: 1,7
This study aims to determine the extent to which existing theories explaining the gender pay gap apply to top executives. It investigates whether company size, executive position, and industry influence the gap, and whether the size of the female minority group moderates this effect.
Chapter 1: Introduction introduces the gender pay gap debate in Germany and highlights the study's focus on top-management teams for increased homogeneity.
Chapter 2: Theoretical Framework explores existing theories on the gender pay gap, including the human capital model and occupational segregation (horizontal and vertical). It also introduces the concept of the minority group's size as a potential moderator.
Chapter 3: Methodology details the data sources (Kienbaum), sample (DAX and MDAX companies, 2014-2016), measures (compensation types, gender, position, company size, industry proportions), and analysis methods (linear regression).
Chapter 4: Results presents descriptive statistics on the sample and the gender pay gap. It then presents the findings from the regression analyses, testing the main hypotheses regarding the influence of explanatory factors and the moderating effects of minority group size.
Gender pay gap, executive compensation, Germany, DAX, MDAX, occupational segregation, human capital, minority group size, board diversity, linear regression, performance-based pay.
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