Bachelorarbeit, 2022
31 Seiten, Note: 2,7
This thesis aims to investigate the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on women in the UK. It begins by establishing pre-existing gender inequalities in both the private and public spheres. The analysis then explores the pandemic's effects on women's workforce participation and their physical and mental well-being. Further, the study will examine the representation of women in media coverage related to the pandemic through a self-conducted survey and analysis of articles from the Daily Mail.
Chapter 1: Introduction: This chapter sets the scene, outlining the devastating impact of the coronavirus crisis in Great Britain and highlighting the disproportionate effect on women. It introduces the thesis's objective to examine this impact.
Chapter 2: Gender inequalities in Great Britain: This chapter lays the groundwork by exploring pre-existing gender inequalities in the UK, dividing them into private and public spheres. It sets the stage for understanding how the pandemic may have exacerbated these existing imbalances.
Chapter 2.1 Gender inequalities in the private sphere: This section delves into how gender ideology structures households and the emergence of traditional family structures, drawing upon Simone de Beauvoir's "The Second Sex" and a study on male-only households to illustrate the unequal distribution of domestic labor.
Chapter 3: The impact of the coronavirus pandemic on women: This chapter analyzes the pandemic's effects on women, specifically focusing on its impact on their employment and their physical and mental well-being.
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