Masterarbeit, 2009
255 Seiten, Note: A
This dissertation aims to provide recommendations on how the collaborative virtual learning environment 'Moodle' can be integrated and embedded more effectively in the studies of postgraduate Oil & Gas related courses at The Robert Gordon University. The study uses a single intrinsic case study approach to investigate the usability and effectiveness of Moodle within the context of a specific module, 'Business Essentials'.
Chapter 1 introduces the research aims, objectives, questions, methodology, and structure of the dissertation. It provides a context for the study by outlining the importance of effective e-learning environments for postgraduate students.
Chapter 2 presents a comprehensive literature review, exploring key concepts related to learning, e-learning, web usability, knowledge management, and Moodle. It examines existing research on the use of Moodle in higher education and identifies relevant theoretical frameworks.
Chapter 3 provides background information on The Robert Gordon University, including its infrastructure, student demographics, and the implementation of Moodle. It analyzes the University's existing e-learning environment and identifies potential areas for improvement.
Chapter 4 details the research methodology employed in the study, including the case study approach, data collection techniques, data analysis methods, and ethical considerations. It explains the rationale behind the chosen methods and their suitability for addressing the research questions.
Chapter 5 presents the findings of the study, based on data collected through usability testing, interviews, questionnaires, Freedom of Information Requests, and other sources. It analyzes the usability of Moodle, the effectiveness of its features in supporting interactive learning, and the challenges and opportunities associated with its integration.
Chapter 6 discusses the findings in detail, exploring the implications for the University's e-learning strategy. It examines the usability issues identified, the effectiveness of Moodle in supporting different learning styles, and the challenges and opportunities for improving the overall e-learning experience.
Chapter 7 provides recommendations for improving the usability, effectiveness, and integration of Moodle within the University's e-learning environment. It addresses specific issues related to usability, e-learning, staff training, and knowledge management.
The keywords and focus themes of the text include Moodle, e-learning, web usability, knowledge management, postgraduate students, Oil & Gas courses, The Robert Gordon University, case study, and interactive learning. The dissertation explores the challenges and opportunities of integrating Moodle into the University's infrastructure, focusing on the needs of postgraduate students in Oil & Gas related courses. It examines the usability of Moodle, the effectiveness of its features in supporting interactive learning, and the potential benefits of establishing a Knowledge Management strategy. The study provides recommendations for improving the overall e-learning experience at the University.
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