Hausarbeit (Hauptseminar), 2008
18 Seiten, Note: 1,3
The aim of this paper is to examine the religious reforms implemented by Edward VI and Mary I, and to assess which monarch had a greater impact on the Elizabethan religious settlement. The author argues that Edward VI's reforms were more successful and had a greater impact on the development of the English church.
The first chapter focuses on the reign of Edward VI, exploring the influence of the different Protectors who governed during his minority. It details the key religious reforms implemented during this period, highlighting their impact on the English church.
The second chapter examines the religious reforms of Mary I, detailing the challenges she faced in restoring Catholic authority after Edward's Protestant reign. It also analyzes the political resistance she encountered from the Council Members.
This paper focuses on the English Reformation, examining the religious reforms of Edward VI and Mary I, with particular emphasis on their impact on the Elizabethan religious settlement. Key themes include Protestant and Catholic beliefs, the role of the Regent Council, the persecution of Protestants under Mary I, and the influence of figures like Archbishop Cranmer and the Duke of Somerset.
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