Studienarbeit, 2013
46 Seiten, Note: 2,1
Index of figures
1. Problem statement
2. Structure and solution
3. Terms and basic
3.1 Project
3.2 Delimitation IT-Project
3.3 Aims of the project and benefits of the project work
3.4 Consolidation software
3.5 Risk
3.6 Riskmanagement
4. Causes of project failures
5. Successful factors in the project management
6. The phase model of a software introduction
6.1 Initialization phase
6.1.1 Aim and project definition
6.1.2 Calculation of profitability
6.2 Choice phase
6.2.1 Requirement definition
6.2.2 Market elevation
6.2.3 Preselection
6.2.4 Detailed evaluation
6.2.5 Contract negotiations
6.2.6 Project order
6.3 Project planning
6.3.1 Project organisation
6.3.2 Project manager
6.3.3 Project team
6.3.4 Milestone
6.3.5 Work breakdown structure
6.3.6 Schedule, resources and cost plan
6.4 Project realisation
6.4.1 Kick-off
6.4.2 Data migration
6.4.3 Training of the project team
6.5 Project control and management
6.6 Project riskmanagement
6.7 Project closure
7. Final consideration
8. Index of tools and sources
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