Doktorarbeit / Dissertation, 2012
132 Seiten, Note: 3
Chapter I-Introduction: This chapter provides a general overview of the research topic, introducing the medicinal plant Moringa oleifera and its significance in traditional medicine and modern healthcare. It highlights the importance of investigating the phytochemical composition and antibacterial activity of Moringa oleifera.
CHATER II -Review and Literature: This chapter presents a comprehensive review of existing literature on Moringa oleifera, covering its history, botanical classification, morphology, distribution, cultivation, chemical composition, biochemical parameters, photochemistry, antibacterial activity, mineral content, and traditional uses.
CHAPTER-III MATERIAL AND METHOD: This chapter outlines the experimental methodology used in the study. It details the experimental site, materials, chemicals, solvents, biochemical analysis techniques, phytochemical determination procedures, antibacterial activity assays, and mineral and heavy metal analyses.
CHAPTER-IV RESULT AND DISCUSSION: This chapter presents the results of the study, analyzing and interpreting the data obtained from the experiments. It discusses the biochemical parameters, phytochemical composition, antibacterial activity, mineral content, and heavy metal presence in Moringa oleifera.
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