Masterarbeit, 2005
100 Seiten, Note: 1,0
This Master's thesis explores various statistical techniques for predicting bankruptcy. It aims to provide a comprehensive overview of different models, their strengths and weaknesses, and their applicability in predicting corporate failure.
The first chapter introduces the concept of bankruptcy prediction as a classification problem, outlining key considerations such as model types, explanatory variables, and performance measures. Chapter 2 delves into Discriminant Analysis, exploring its theoretical foundation, practical implementation, and limitations. Chapter 3 focuses on Conditional Probability Models, providing an in-depth analysis of their theoretical underpinnings, estimation methods, and significance testing. The thesis concludes with a summary and discussion of the findings, highlighting the implications for future research and practical applications.
The central focus of the thesis revolves around bankruptcy prediction, statistical techniques, classification, discriminant analysis, conditional probability models, model performance, data quality, and sampling considerations. Key models explored include logistic regression, probit models, and survival analysis. The thesis also examines the relevance of these techniques in the context of German and Ukrainian economies.
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