Forschungsarbeit, 2015
70 Seiten, Note: Excellent
This research paper investigates the microeconomic and macroeconomic effects of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP). The study aims to analyze the potential impact of TTIP on various sectors of economic activity, including trade, investment, and labor markets, both within the EU and the US, and on third countries like Turkey and China.
The research paper explores the various aspects of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), focusing on its potential economic effects. The first chapter provides an introduction to the topic, outlining the research objectives, hypotheses, methodology, and the structure of the paper. The second chapter delves into the background of TTIP, discussing the historical context of multilateral trade liberalization and the motivations behind TTIP negotiations. The third chapter analyzes the economic effects of TTIP, covering both microeconomic and macroeconomic implications. This chapter examines the potential impact on specific sectors of economic activity, utilizing models like MIRAGE and MELITZ to simulate the effects of trade liberalization. The fourth chapter explores the potential effects of TTIP on third countries, specifically focusing on Turkey and China. The chapter examines the trade relations between the EU-US and these countries and utilizes empirical data to analyze the potential impact of TTIP.
The primary keywords and focus topics of the research paper encompass the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), its microeconomic and macroeconomic effects, trade liberalization, investment, labor markets, standards and regulations, third-country effects, Turkey, China, and the global economy. The study also utilizes specific econometric models such as MIRAGE and MELITZ to analyze the potential impact of TTIP.
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