Doktorarbeit / Dissertation, 2002
125 Seiten, Note: magna cum laude
This dissertation examines the impact of intensive discrimination learning on the plasticity of the auditory cortex in humans. It investigates whether training in recognizing subtle frequency differences or learning non-native mora-timing patterns leads to observable changes in the brain's responses. The study uses magnetoencephalography (MEG) to measure the neuromagnetic correlates of these changes.
The dissertation begins with an overview of the theoretical framework for cortical plasticity and how it relates to auditory perception and learning. The methodologies used in the study are described, with a focus on MEG and its ability to detect changes in brain activity. The main body of the work presents three experiments:
The central concepts explored in this dissertation include auditory perception, cortical plasticity, discrimination learning, magnetoencephalography (MEG), Mismatch Negativity (MMN), frequency discrimination, mora-timing, native language, and neuromagnetic responses. These keywords highlight the intersection of cognitive processes, brain activity, and the impact of experience on neural function.
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